Celebrities | Cars | Sports | TV Shows | Texting Abbreviations |
Who is Justin Bieber.
Who sings the song, "Baby?"
What is Volkswagen Beetle.
What's the name of the car that is called punch buggy?
Tom Brady
Who is the quarterback for the New England Patriots?
American Idol, X Factor
What are two TV shows people contest in to become singers?
I love you
What does 143 mean in texting?
Who is Tom Hanks.
What's the name of the actor who plays the role of Forrest Gump?
What is Mercedes and Lexus.
What are the two car names parents name their children after?
Seattle Seahawks
Who won the super Bowl this year?
Wizards of Waverly Place
What Disney channel TV show is about wizards?
Shaking my head
What does SMH mean in texting?
Who is Ellen DeGeneres.
Who played the voice of Dory in Finding Nemo?
What car is abbreviated with three letters?
Aaron Rodgers
what quarterback comes out on the discount double check commercial?
Modern Family
What's the name of the TV show Sofia Vergara comes out in called?
Be Right Back
what does BRB mean in texting?
Who is Steve Carell.
Who is the voice of Gru in Despicable Me?
What car is needed after a horse?
Boston Red Sox
Who won the world series this year?
What's the name of the musical TV show that comes out on FOX?
Rolling on the floor laughing
What does ROFL mean in texting?
Who is Paul Walker.
What celebrity passed away in a car accident recently?
What car is named bumble bee in the movie transformers?
Buster Posey
Who is the catcher for the San Francisco Giants?
Animal Planet
What's a TV show that's all about wild life?
How about you
What does HBU mean in texting?