Drink Up | Schwasty | Blue Waffles | Titty Tuesday | Ratchet |
What is Erika's position?
What is Katie's boyfriend's name?
246 Troup
What is the address of this house?
Jenny Kelley
Who is Erika's roommate?
If you did not sing it correctly, you need to reevaluate your life. 10 gummies for you Glen Coco
Sing "Ay Ziggy Zoomba" correctly
Katie, Erika, Erin, Jenny, Kelci, Abby
Name all 6 people in Yoho and Erika's freshmen class.
How many hours does it take to get to Erika's home? (Must be within 5 hours)
The Jungle
What was the name of Odell, Dick, and Courtney's house?
Jello Shot!
Double Jeopardy!
What does Katie steal every trip?
Toy Story
What is Katie's favorite movie?
Eat 5 gummies!
Double Jeopardy!
October 25
When is Erika's birthday?
Blue and green
What is Katie's favorite color(s)?
Weightless - All Time Low
What was Erika's walk up song sophomore year?
What is Katie's bra size?
Red Solo Cup and Cotton Candy
What were Yoho's two halloween costumes Junior year?
Take 1 Shot
Double Jeopardy!
What is Lani's husband's name?
Bong a Beer
Double Jeopardy!
Take 2 shots!
Double Jeopardy!
Erika's Roommate: Katie
Katie's Roommate: Erika
Name both Katie and Erika's roommates sophomore year.
What did Courtney eat out of her hand at a party?
How many times did Erika throw up in Stone's Throw on her 21st birthday?
What was placed on the wall of the bat cave at a party?