Fairy Tales | Fairy tale characters | Mythical creatures | Food from fairy tales | types of stories |
What is the most popular Fairy Tale ?
Princess and the frog
I am Tiana . What movie am i from ?
this animal has a horn and it is tall what is it?
Butter beer
You can drink me i am from harry potter i might be called something but i don't taste like it . What am i ?
A myth
I tell people about different events in the past that explains what happend. what type of story am i
What is the most popular Fairy Tale ?
i am a "real boy" what movie am i from
This animal can blow out fire and has scales what is it ?
I was in Goldilocks and the 3 bears i am hot and you use a spoon to eat me what am i ?
Fairy tales
These stories are make believe and usually involve princess's. What story am i ?
little red riding hood
little red riding hood What movie did a girl go to see her grandmother in the forest
i am Rapunzel. what movie am i from?
Cheshire the cat
I am a cat who has pink and purple stripes in alice and wonderland. Who am i ?
poison apple
I am poisons the movie i am from is snow white and the seven dwarfs
These types of stories involve a lesson at the end. What type of story am I ?
Beauty and beast
Beauty and beast What movie is about a girl who dances with a monster
The 3 Little pigs
we run from wolfs who try to blow our house down. Who are we ?
A Reindeer
I work with Santa and can fly. What am i ?
baked goods/cake
I am from little red riding hood. I sit in a basket and get delivererd to grandma. What am i ?
This type of story combines a real event with a real persons unusual life. What type of story am i ?
Little mermaid
what movie is about a girl who falls in love with a guy on land
A Genie
i can grant wishes and stay in a bottle what am i ?
Chocolate frogs
I am in harry potter. I am made out of chocolate i look like an animal what am i ?
Folk Tales
This type of story has been told for many years. i am not a popular type of story.What am I ?