Relationships | Who said it? | Characters | Miscellaneous | Vocab |
Faber & Montag
"..But aren't you interested?"
Which relationship does this quote represent? |
"So many people are. Afraid of fireman, i mean. But you're just a man afterall..."
Mrs. Blake
What was the name of the woman that got burnt with her house?
Benjamin Franklin
Who was the first Fireman?
Speed walk/pacing
"I'm trotting right straight home."
What does the word "trotting" mean? |
This person tries to manipulate Montag
"We're due back at the House. Besides, these fanatics always try suicide; the pattern's familiar."
Beatty, Stoneman and Black
What was the names of the fireman alongside Montag?
Winston Noble and Huber Hoag
Bonus: Hubert Hoag
When Mildred's friends start talking about politics, Who were the 2 politicians they talked about?
Bonus: Which canidate did the woman not want to vote for? |
"Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain..."
What does the word "certitude" mean? |
Montag's memory of Mildred
"How's Uncle Louis Today?...."Who"..."And Aunt Maude?"
Who's most significant memory of who, is in the quotes above? |
Clarisse's Uncle
"Well, after all, this is the age of the disposable tissue...For what matter, what color jerseys are they wearing as they trot out on the field?"
Mrs. Phelps
"Clara, now, Clara," begged Mildred, pulling her arm.
Who is Clara? |
Sitting around talking
What's rarer than being a pedestrian?
"He glanced perfunctorily at it and shoved it in his pocket."
What does "perfunctorily" mean? |