Witch Tips | New Moon in Libra | Pumpkin Spice Latte - Danielle's fall food opinions | Fall Colour Association | All Hallow's Eve |
What is a familiar.
A witch's animal companion.
What is Gemini.
This zodiac sign may be represented by twins, but the fab 5 has 3 of them.
What is stuffing.
This is the best part of thanksgiving dinner.
What is red.
Vlad the Impaler
This is Dracula's real name
What is the broomstick.
(Fun fact, the broom imagery may also be associated with the use of brooms to apply hallucinogenic ointment to the vagina and anus? Source, wikipedia)
This witchy mode of transportation may be used to sweep negative energy from the room.
What is Aries.
This zodiac symbol is a ram.
What is pumpkin pie.
This traditional thankgiving dish is utterly disgusting.
What is yellow.
Country where Halloween originated
Who is Hecate.
She is the goddess of witchcraft, among a number of other things.
What is Aquarius.
Ellen Degeneres, Vince Carter, & Wayne Gretzky share this zodiac sign.
What is peppermint mocha.
It may be out of season but this Starbucks bevvie is far superior to the PSL.
What is orange.
Tim Curry
Actor who played Dr. Frank-n-Furter in The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
Who is Paige.
The fourth member of the original Power of Three, she was half witch and half white lighter.
What is Scorpio.
This is the zodiac sign we move into next
What is cranberry sauce.
I prefer this fruity side dish homemade rather than from the can.
Country that celebrates the Day of the Dead starting at midnight on Oct. 31
Who is Willow.
My personal favourite witch.
What is Cancer.
This is the zodiac sign for baby Nash and his mama.
What is apple.
I prefer this in a crisp over a pie.
Jason Vorhees (from the Friday the 13th series)
Which horror movie icon has the highest on-screen body count?