Current Assets/Liabilities & Ratios & Cash Flow | Fixed Assets (PP&E)/Depreciation | Stockholders Equity | LT Liabilities - Bonds & Leases | Potpouri |
In a period of rising prices, which inventory cost flow method will produce the highest amount of Ending Inventory on the Balance Sheet?
All expenses to make available for use - real estate/broker, surveying & legal fees (land) - architects, etc. (building)
What is included in the capitalization of the cost of Land (and Building)?
Contra Equity (Debit to Stockholders Equity)
How is Treasury Stock Account for?
PAR (Stated or Face ) Value - generally $1,000
A Bonds stated coupon (relative %) is based on its ...(aka A bonds absolute payment is relative to its....)
What is the process of placing an asset on the books and systematically accruing its expense over the period incurred?
What is LCM
Lower of Cost or Market of Inventory - via conservatism, inventory sold below cost, should be reduced to its current Market (replacement) value
When an infinite lived intangible is written down to market value, it is called
Retained Earnings
Accumulated "Net Income" is reported on the Balance Sheet as?
When a bonds coupon > market interest rates (YTM-I/YR) it trades at a ....When a bonds coupon < market interest rates (YTM-I/YR) it trades at a?
Retained Earnings
Net Income reinvested, flows to the balance sheet as?
What is the Current Ratio
Current Assets/Current Liabilities =
On the Statement of Cash Flows, Buying/Selling P, P & E is referred to as_____________ activities?
Any preferred dividends missed ("in arrears") must be made, before common stockholder dividends are declared.
When preferred stock is cumulative, what must be done BEFORE common stockholders are paid?
When Interest Rates Decline
At the Call Premium
When do Callable Bonds get called
And at What Price? |
Straight Bond's value generally greater, especially at low interest rates
What affect does the call feature of a bond have on its price (relative to a noncallable or straight bond)
What is Return on Equity?
Net Income/Avg. Stockholder's Equity
What term "matches" Intangible costs (consumed) to the period incurred
Interest Expense on Debt is Tax Deductible while Common Stock Dividends are not.
What is a primary advantage of issuing debt (Long Term Bonds Payable) vs. Equity (Common Stock)?
Par Value
Assuming no Default Risk or Call Premium, ALL bonds should approach/mature at?
Equal Periodic Payments (ie. Bond Payments) are referred to as?
Assets (inversely) - Liabilities (directly)
How are changes in Current Assets & Liabilities Balances Treated on the Operating Section of the Statement of Cash Flows?
Net Book Value
What is another term for the Carrying Value of a Fixed Asset on the Balance Sheet?
PV = FV/(1+r)t
What is the formulas for PV of Future Cash Flows (useful in Bond Valuation & Lease Classification as Operating or Financing)?
Bonds - recorded at Amortized Cost
Marketable Securities that are classified as Held to Maturity are reported at:
Convertible Bonds, Employee Stock Options
Give an example of something that could potentially reduce Earnings Per Share?