Les Vetements | Les Vetements (Saison) | Periods de la Vie | Relations | Passe Compose |
What is un pantalons
Pants in french.
What are lunettes de soleil
Glasses worn usually during the summer in french.
What is naissance
Birth in french.
What is amite
Friendship in french.
What is i
In the passe compose ir-verbs are changed to...
What is une robe
Dress in french.
What is un anorak
Coat worn usually during the winter in french.
What is enfance
Childhood in french.
What is un couple
Pair of two people that are 'together' in french.
What is u
In the passe compose re-verbs are changed to...
What is un chapeau
Hat in french.
What is un maillot de bain
Swimsuit worn usually during the summer in french.
What is jennesse
Youth in french.
What is amour
Love in french.
What is e with an accent aigu
In the passe compose re-verbs are changed to...
What are des chaussures
Shoes in french.
What is une echarpe
Scarf worn usually during the winter in french.
What is age adult
Adulthood in french.
What is une fiance
Someone who is engaded to another in french.
What is ete
Etre in the passe compose is changed to...
What is une chemisie
a man's shirt in french.
What are des sandales
Sandles worn usually during the Summer in french.
What is vieillesse
Old age in french.
What is jeunes maries
Newly married in french.
What is eu
Avoir in the passe compose is changed to...