Manuals | Sequence Words | Hobbies |
Mention a part of a manual
Title, material / ingredients, steps / procedure / method, images / pictures
Mention a sequence word for beginning a text
First, to start, initially, to begin, at first
Mention 3 hobbies
Free (listening to music, painting, running, watching TV, drawing, singing, dancing, fishing, playing soccer, playing the guitar...)
Mention a type of manual
Recipe, repair manual, experiments
Mention a sequence word for the middle part of a text
Second, then, next, after that, later
Complete the sentence: I ______ (♡♡♡) - watch tv
I love watching TV
What is the purpose of a manual?
Provide the steps to follow to do something.
Mention a sequence word for the end of a text.
Finally, lastly, at the end, third
Complete the sentence: I ______ (♡♡) - cook pizza
I enjoy cooking pizza
What is a manual?
A book of instructions on how to perform an activity..
What are sequence words?
Words to help us know the order in which things happen.
What is a hobby?
An activity you like to do in your free time