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What are steroids?
These substances lead to increases in muscle mass, muscle fiber size, and strength.
What are endurance activities?
Females reach peak performance at an older age than males in this type of activity.
What are Amino Acids?
These are the building blocks of protein
What is Active/Dynamic Stretching?
This type of stretching helps get lactate out of muscles faster
What are The squat, deadlift, bench press?
There are three main events in the powerlifting competitions. Name those events!
What is Nandrolone?
This steroid is the most common PED
What are testosterone and estrogen?
These anabolic hormones are found in both males and females despite the misconception that they are sex specific.
What is Casein?
You often take this form of protein before bed for the best gainz
What are Stress & Sleep?
These two factors affect recovery most
What is training volume?
Sets until failure and volume load are common ways to measure this
What is Trenbolone (Tren)?
This steroid has three times the strength of Nandrolone
What is 39%?
From 2011-2013, female made up only this percentage of participants in exercise studies, but they are one half of the population overall
What is Creatine?
This supplement rapidly improves ATP synthesis
What is Cortisol?
This stress hormone decreases both Testosterone and Insulin-like Growth Factor 1
What are intensity, volume and frequency of lifting
There are three factors contributing to training. Name those variables!
What are SARMs?
This steroid is similar to anabolic steroids and was discovered when looking for prostate cancer treatment
What is the thyroid hormone?
This hormone in females (due to pregnancy/birth giving) is more resistant and durable than males
What is Ground Beef?
This type of meat is known to be easier on the stomach leading to greater protein synthesis
What is 2-3 Weeks?
You should maintain active recovery for this amount of time before more rigorous training
What is within 30 minutes bro
How quickly after lifting are you supposed to consume your protein in order to have gainz bro
What is 10%?
When taking into account both gains in strength and muscle mass, the performance edge steroids give you is about (in percentage terms)
What is 17 beta-estradiol?
Females have more of this hormone than males, which shifts fatty acids to heart and skeletal muscles, particularly during exercise, which helps with endurance.
What is Leucine?
This is the most important amino acid for building muscle
What is Eustress?
This type of stress is good for the body, but is often forgotten.
What are myofibrils bro
While lifting bro, you cannot change the number of muscle fibers in your body. Lifting bro changes this type of muscle cell.