An apple a day! (Chronic Illness) | Ouch, Charlie that really hurt! (Pain) | Help! Get me an intervention! (psychosocial interventions) | Make sure to count those sheep! (Sleep) | When I grow up, I want to be a health psychologist! |
What is type 2 diabetes?
This type of diabetes results from when your body either doesn't produce enough insulin or resists insulin, is highly related to your diet, and develops over time.
What is suffering?
This is an emotional response that can happen in the absence of pain.
What are educational interventions?
This type of intervention focuses on providing accurate, clear, and understandable information about a disease, it's prognosis, and treatment plan.
What is sleep hygiene?
Limiting light before sleep, keeping a consistent sleep schedule, and only getting in your bed when you are sleepy are all examples of this.
What is public health?
A health psychologist that works on promoting better health by designing and implementing broader-scale interventions to a large population of people, rather than on the individual level works in this area of health psychology.
What is HIV?
This is an immunodeficiency virus that attacks the body's immune system and can eventually severely damage your immune system.
What is the Gate Control Theory?
This is a theoretical mechanism in the spinal cord that controls access to the brain allowing painful nerve impulses to get through or not.
What is interdisciplinary care?
This psychosocial intervention is a collaboration among multiple providers like doctors, nurses, psychologists, physical therapists, etc.
What is Rapid Eye Movement (REM)?
This is the stage that is important for consolidating memories, turning knowledge into long-term memories, solving problems, and helping with learning.
What is a bad patient perception of receiving psychological services?
This can happen when psychological services are not part of standard care and are offered to patients in a way that makes them feel like they are crazy.
What is kidney disease?
Dialysis is the primary treatment for this disease.
What is the immune system?
Pain suppresses this system of the human body.
What is behavioral methods?
This type of psychosocial intervention can include stimulus control and reinforcement.
What is CBT-I (cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia)?
This is the most effective therapeutic treatment for insomnia.
What is a master's degree?
This is typically the minimum level of training you need in order to work as a psychologist or health psychologist.
What is fibromyalgia?
This is a disorder characterized by musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness.
What is the McGill Pain Questionnaire?
This is the best self-report measure of nociception.
What is biofeedback?
This method can be used to learn how to control your body's functions by using electronic instruments that help you receive information about your body's functions.
Who are adolescents?
This population needs about 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep.
What is a private practice?
As a health psychologist, this is where you would treat patients individually, session by session, who come to your office themselves or are referred to you from another medical provider.
What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?
This is a group of progressive lung diseases that obstruct airflow.
What are C fibers?
This is a myelinated nerve fiber that is involved with slow, persistent, full, aching, burning pain.
What is cognitive restructuring?
This part of a psychosocial intervention involves replacing unrealistic (or unhelpful) thoughts with more realistic or constructive thoughts.
What is BOTH too much sleep and too little sleep
This amount of sleep increases risk for CVD in nurses.
What is research/teaching?
Prevention, direct patient treatment management, and ___________ are the three broad career categories for health psychologists.