The Individual Mind 4 | The Connected Mind 4 | The Troubled Mind 4 | Healing the Mind 4 |
What is Conscious
Material in our minds that we are aware of right now.
What is Situational Attributions
Where we have a judgment assigning the cause of a person’s behavior to his or her environment.
What is Phobias
Unrealistic fear of an object or situation.
What is Psychosurgery
The attempt to improve symptoms of psychological disorders through brain surgery.
What is Ego Defense Mechanism
Protective behaviors that reduces anxiety.
What is Dispositional Attributions
A judgment assigning the cause of a person’s behavior to his or her personal qualities or characteristics.
What is Agoraphobia
Fear of open spaces, being outside the home alone, or in a crowd.
What is Deep Brain Stimulation
Electrical stimulation applied through surgically implanted electrodes.
What is Projection
Anxiety producing behaviors of the cell that are attributed to others.
What is The Just-World Belief
The assumption that people’s outcomes can reasonably be explained by their own actions.
What is Specific phobias
Specific fear of an object or situation.
What is Neurofeedback
- A type of biofeedback teaching the client to keep measures of brain activity within a certain range.
What is Reaction Formation
Adopting behavior that is the opposite to our anxiety.
What is Prejudice
A prejudgment of another person on the basis of his or her membership in a group.
What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Psychological disorder that is characterized by obsession and compulsion to the point of endless repetition.
What is Compensation
Resolving anxiety by taking on characteristics of others.
What is Discrimination
Unfair behavior based on our stereotyping and prejudice.
What is Obsession
An intrusive, distressing thought