The Individual Mind 3 | The Connected Mind 3 | The Troubled Mind 3 | Healing the Mind 3 |
What is SS Allele
Genes that makes people more negative.
What is Upward Comparisons
Comparing ourselves to others that are better than we are.
What is The Statistical Approach
This identifies extremes in abnormal behavior.
What is Life Coaches
Seeks to improve others performances in life
What is Psychodynamic Theory
Theory where psychic energy moves along the compartments of the personality: id, ego, and superego.
What is Downward Comparisons
Compare ourselves to others that are not as proficient as we are.
What is The Clinical Approach
Allows us to distinguish disorders that require treatment.
What is Hypnotherapy
putting someone into such deep relaxation so deep conscious thoughts come out.
What is ID
Personality theory containing primitive drives present at birth (e.i. being self and violent. Hunger, thirst, sex, ect).
What is Anterior singular cortex
Participants who are isolated or excluded would have an increased activity in which part of the brain that responds when one is psychically in pain.
What is The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
A system for classification of psychological disorders.
What is Psychoanalysis
Trying to bring back forgotten traumatic experiences.
What is Ego
Personality theory that is the self that others see.
What is Schemas
A personal theory on how social situations will work or play out
What is Anxiety Disorder
A disorder featuring anxiety that is not proportional to a person’s circumstances.
What is Cognitive Restructuring
Irrational belief systems are replaced with rational ones as a result of logical analysis of the problems.
What is LL Allele
Genes that makes people focus more on positivity, creativity, risk taking
What is Dispositional and Situational Attributions
Judgments of the cause of a person’s behaviors.
What is Panic Disorder
Characterized by repeated panic attacks and fear of future panic attacks.
What is Behavior Therapies
Treatment of symptoms of psychological disorder and adjustment problems.