Physical Devel. Late Adulthood Socioemotional in Late adulthood Cognitive Dev. Late Adulthood Death and Dying Socioemotional Dev. in Middle Adult
What is life span
The maximum number of years an individual can live
What is Activity theory
This theory states that the more active and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives
What is Physical abuse
Physical neglect
Psychological abuse
Financial abuse
What are the 4 forms of elder maltreatment?
What is voluntary active euthanasia
Doctors or others act directly, at a patient’s request, to end suffering before a natural end to life.
What is extraversion
Individuals high in this trait are talkative, enthusiastic, cheerful and energetic
What is secondary aging
This refers to declines due to hereditary defects and negative environmental influences, such as
poor diet, lack of exercise, and disease.
What is reminiscence
Telling stories about people and events from one’s past, and reporting thoughts and feelings
What is speed of processing
This decline is often due to a slow brain functioning and may take an individual longer to react to situations.
What is brain death
Irreversible cessation of all activity in brain and brain stem
What is generativity
This encompasses an adults’ desire to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation
What is exercise and eating healthy
This is linked to increased longevity and prevention of common chronic diseases
What is despair
This occurs when aging adults feel they have made many wrong decisions
What is tip-of-the-tongue
Failure to retrieve a word from memory, combined with partial recall and the feeling that retrieval is imminent
What is living will
This specifies the treatments a person does or does not want in case of a terminal illness, coma,
or other near-death situation.
What is a midlife crisis
This is the idea that adults get to a certain point and question their life choices, resulting in a restructuring of the personality
What is osteoarthritis
The deteriorating cartilage on the ends of bones of frequently used joints.
What is self-focused reminiscence
The type of reminiscence where a person ruminates on negative thoughts and often feels bad as they remember the past
What is explicit memory
This type of memory refers to facts we consciously know
What is agonal phase
The phase of dying where we see gasps and muscle spasms
What is Empty Nest Syndrome
A decline in marital satisfaction after the children leave the home
What is hormonal stress theory
The biological theory of aging that argues our resistance to stress decreases and the likelihood of disease increases
What is social support
This reduces stress and promotes physical health, psychological well-being.
What is Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease
This type of Alzheimer's has a later onset and has no obvious family history
What is Dual-process model of coping with loss
Effective coping involves switching between dealing with the emotional consequences of loss and attending to life changes
What is distant grandparents
This type of grandparent has infrequent contact with their grandchildren, most often on holidays and family occasions

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