Physical/Cognitive Early Adulthood Socioemotional Early Adult Socioemotional Dev. in Middle Adult Physical & Cognitive Middle Adult
What is the fantasy period
This vocational development period is where children fantasize about career options
What is passion, commitment, and intimacy
According to Robert Sternberg’s triarchic theory of love, love is characterized by the dimensions of
What is extraversion
Individuals high in this trait are talkative, enthusiastic, cheerful and energetic
What is fluid intelligence
The ability to abstractly; an individual’s accumulated information and verbal skills.
What is T cells
This type of cell originate in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus and attacks antigens directly
What is emerging adulthood
This term describes the "in-between" transition period into adulthood
What is generativity
This encompasses an adults’ desire to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation
What is sarcopenia
Age-related loss of muscle mass and strength
What is pragmatic thought
A structural advance in which logic becomes a tool for solving real-world problems
What is independence and intimacy
Relationships in early adulthood strive to balance these two things
What is midlife crisis
This is the idea that adults get to a certain point and question their life choices, resulting in a restructuring of the personality
What is a decrease in estrogen
This hormonal change is associated with menopause in women
What is identity exploration, especially in love and work; instability; being self-focused; feeling in-between; the age of possibilities, a time when individuals have an opportunity to transform their lives
These feature characterize emerging adulthood
What is anxious attachment
Individuals with this attachment style demand closeness and are more emotional, jealous, and possessive.
What is Empty Nest Syndrome
A decline in marital satisfaction after the children leave the home
What is neural network view
As neurons in the brain die, breaks in neural networks occur and synaptic bypasses are formed
What is reflective thinking
The main cognitive change between Piaget's fourth and fifth stages of cognitive development
What is matching hypothesis
We choose partners who are close to our level of physical attractiveness
What is distant grandparents
This type of grandparent has infrequent contact with their grandchildren, most often on holidays and family occasions
What is climacteric
The midlife transition in which fertility declines, brings an end to reproductive capacity

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