The Individual Mind | The Connected Mind | The Troubled Mind | Healing the Troubled Mind |
What is Self-efficacy
The belief that one can accomplish one’s goals and control outcomes, is more important for success
What is social identity
A person’s sense of who they are based on their group membership(s).
What is the biological perspective
This perspective seeks genetic, neurochemical, and neuroanatomical explanations for symptoms of disorder.
What is Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
A form of treatment that focuses on examining the relationships between thoughts, feelings and behaviors
What is personality
An individuals’ characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving
What is attitudes
Positive or negative evaluations that predispose behavior toward an object, person, or situation.
What is somatoform disorder
physiological symptoms that are not explained by an underlying medical cause.
What is medication
These typically work by altering neurotransmission.
What is rationalization
In this defense mechanism, excuses are made for anxiety-producing behavior
What is social loafing
Reduced motivation and effort shown by individuals working in a group.
What is a panic attack
A brief state characterized by a sudden, extreme experience of fear and sympathetic nervous system arousal.
What is insight therapy
A therapy that improves symptoms of a psychological disorder by building one’s understanding of one’s issues
What is superego
The component of Freud’s personality theory that internalizes society’s rules for right and wrong; the “conscience.” It seeks to control the id.
What is dispositional attribution
A judgment assigning the cause of a person’s behavior to his or her personal qualities or characteristics
What is compulsions
Behaviors meant to ward off the anxiety brought on by the obsessions
What is reflection
This technique is used in therapy to restate the clients comments to help them feel understood
What is preconscious
Material that could move at any time into the conscious sate, but is not presently there.
What is cognitive dissonance
The uncomfortable state that occurs when behavior and attitudes do not match
What is (1) strong negative emotions and (2) physical tension due to the anticipation of danger.
What are the two major components for Anxiety?
What is cognitive restructuring
Iirrational belief systems are replaced with rational ones as a result of logical analysis of the problems