Tribal History | Indian Policy | American Colonization | Lewis and Clark's | Epic Adventure |
What is pre-contact?
Describing a period before meeting Europeans
What is the Doctrine of Discovery?
The legalization of finders keepers, losers weepers
What is Spain?
The first European colonial power in the Americas
What is an anthropologist?
Lewis and Clark could be considered the first of this profession
What is Montana?
This state makes up roughly 1/4 of the length of the expedition
What is pre-Columbian?
The period of time before European settlement of the Americas
What is a papal bull?
A legal decree made by a pope
What is the Colombian Exchange?
The concept of taking New World goods and bringing them to the Old World and vice versa
What is Superintendent of Indian Affairs?
Following the end of the expedition Clark was appointed to this position
Who is Sacagawea?
This invaluable expedition member joined the team at the Mandan Villages in North Dakota
What is the Lone Dog's winter count?
The most well known one of these, is a form of tribal historical record keeping
What is Vacuum Domicilium?
Empty land...kind of
What is syphilis?
Possibly the only disease originating in the New World
What is the Marias River?
On the return trip through Montana Lewis and Clark split up. Lewis went north and followed this river to the northern most point of the expedition
What is four?
The amount of languages it took to translate from English to Shoshone
Who is Sweet Medicine?
A Cheyenne prophet
What is plenary power?
Absolute authority, usually held by sovereign nations
What is St. Augustine, Florida?
The oldest permanent European settlement in North America
What is Pompey's Pillar?
The rock which Clark carved his name into
What is Fort Clatsop?
The name of the camp built in Oregon Territory
Who are the Hopi?
The Prophecy Rock of this tribe depicts the end of the current world
Who is John Marshall?
He wrote the decisions for three major Supreme Court cases involving Native Americans in the early 1800s
What is encomienda?
The Spanish instituted this system of unpaid/forced labor of Native Americans in their colonies
What is a gunshot?
Lewis was only 35 when he passed away due to this type of wound
What is Feather's Map?
The map used by Lewis and Clark to navigate the Louisiana Territory that was drawn by a Blackfoot chief