European State System | Land and Life in the Rural Sector | Manufacturing and Industry | Postindustrial Economy | The European City |
What is Ukraine?
The largest country by area in Europe.
What is Von Thunen's Model?
Based on concentric land-use rings surrounding a marketplace.
What is the German Autobahn?
Widely known for having no federally mandated speed limit.
What is coal?
Traditionally, this was the primary energy source for Europe.
What is London?
The city that reached a million people in the first decade of the 19th century.
What is devolution?
Transfer of power or authority from a central government to a local government.
What is reindeer hide?
The Sami people make their homes out of this.
What is England?
The first cast iron bridge and all-weather road was developed here.
What is the tertiary sector?
Activities that serve people’s everyday needs and facilitate economic transactions.
Who are the Greeks?
First to adopt urbanism in Europe.
What is a Federal State?
Allocates strong power to units of local government within the country.
What is the Columbian Exchange?
The great exchange of crops, animals, diseases and people from the Americas.
What is deindustrialization?
The decline or abandonment of industrial activity in a region.
What is France?
This country gets 75% of its power from nuclear.
What is a charter?
A governmental decree from an emperor or lesser ruler granting political autonomy to the town.
What is Unification Nationalism?
Effort to bring together, within a single state, peoples who are thought to share a common culture and history.
What is
Consisted of threefold system: field agriculture, horticulture, and pasture.
What is s a Guild?
A professional organization of free artisans skilled in a particular craft.
What is tourism?
Indirectly responsible for 10% of Europe's GDP.
What is a mercantile city?
This term best describes European urban centers prior to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
What is the Peace of Westphalia?
Ushered in a period of stability within the German Empire that lasted almost a century.
What is the Neolithic Revolution?
The domestication of plants and animals.
What is the Black Triangle?
The greatest concentration of environmental damage in the twentieth century occurred here.
What is nuclear fusion?
Could supply the world with millions of years of power...if we can make it work.
What is a river meander site?
A city located inside a loop where the stream turns back upon itself is considered located here.