Physical/Congitive Dev. in Childhood PsychoSocial 2 Socioemotional Dev. in Childhood More stuff I love to learn
What is prefrontal cortex
Advances in this part of the brain is linked to a child's improved attention, reasoning, and cognitive control
What is autonomy versus shame and doubt.
According to Erik Erikson, the name of this psychosocial stage in early childhood is
What is androgynous
Having both masculine and feminine characteristic traits
What is more muscle; more fat
By the end of early childhood, compared to each other, boys have _____, whereas girls have _____.
What is gender roles.
Sets of expectations that prescribe how females and males should think, act, and feel are known as
What is critical thinking
Thinking reflectively and productively and evaluating evidence are all parts of:
What is emotion-coaching parent.
These types of parents view their children's negative emotions as an opportunity for teaching and guiding
What is self-concept
This refers to domain-specific evaluations of the self.
What is child neglect
Failure to provide for a child’s basic needs is known as
What is preconventional reasoning
Behavior that is controlled by external rewards and punishments reflecting which level of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development?
What is seriation
The ability to organize sticks in a row from largest in size to smallest
What is global
Self-esteem refers to _____ self-evaluation of ourself
What is emotional regulation
The ability to control one’s own emotional responses
What is egocentrism
The inability to distinguish between one’s own perspective and someone else’s perspective is known as _____.
What is Authoritarian
Which parenting style is demanding and controlling, while also being rejecting, and unresponsive?
What is dysgrphia
Children with may write very slowly, their writing products may be virtually illegible, and they may make numerous spelling errors .
What is divergent thinking
This type of thinking can lead to multiple answers and often shows a persons creativity.
What is conventional
This level of moral reasoning includes recognizing alternative moral courses, exploring options then deciding on a personal moral code
What is sustained
_____ attention is focused and extended engagement with an object, task, event, or other aspect of the environment.
What is animism
My computer doesn’t like me—it keeps eating my pictures,” says 3-year old Sarah. This is an example of _____.
What is whole-language
Being exposed to text in its complete form takes a look at what approach to reading
What is
a. psychological characteristics.
b. social comparison.
c. social aspects.
During the elementary years, a child’s self-understanding includes increasing reference such as:
What is controversial
A child who is frequently nominated both as someone's best friend and as being disliked
What is the Zone of proximal development
The range of tasks that are too difficult for the child to master alone but that can be learned with guidance and assistance of adults or more-skilled children.
What is seriation
Children who have reached the concrete operational stage are also capable of _____, which is the ability to order stimuli along a quantitative dimension.

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