OMG, what do I do now? (coping strategies) | How do I keep calm and carry on? (stress management) | Dude, please help me change my behavior (Health Behavior Change) | An apple a day keeps the doctor away (disease prevention) | #GetRidOfHealthDisparities! (health disparities) |
What is problem-focused coping?
When utilizing this coping strategy, an individual will try to change the situation by taking action and seeking information regarding the problem.
What is medication?
Benzodiazepines, beta-blockers, and SSRIs are all examples of this stress management technique.
What is the Health Belief Model?
Dr. Garcia, a dentist, is concerned about the increased cavities he is seeing in his young patients. He posts signs with pictures of cavities around his office and talks with this patients about how easy it is to brush daily. Dr. Garcia is using following this model of health behavior change.
What is primary?
"The More You Know" campaign was a series of public service announcements broadcast on family channels communicating educational messages. This is an example of _________prevention.
What is socioeconomic status (SES?)
This can be measured in several ways, including a person's income, education, and zip code.
What is emotion-focused coping?
When utilizing this coping strategy, an individual will focus more on managing their emotions related to the situation, rather than changing the situation actively.
What is complementary and alternative medicine?
CAM stands for __________.
What is the Theory of Planned Behavior?
This model is set up to predict intentions to perform a behavior, rather than to predict the behavior itself.
What is environmental influence?
During the pandemic, restaurants spreading out tables and only allowing a limited amount of people into the restaurant at a time is an example of this disease prevention type.
What is self-report?
This is the best way to measure race.
What is cognition-focused coping?
Consider Amy. She and her long-term boyfriend just went through a bad breakup. Amy thinks she is better off without him. This is an example of what kind of coping?
What is systematic desensitization?
This behavioral method is typically utilized during therapy when helping a client overcome a specific phobia.
What is precontemplation?
Charlotte is talking with her therapist about her drinking (1 bottle of wine per night). Charlotte explains that her drinking is not a problem and she can stop anytime. She is in this stage of change of the Transtheoretical Model:
What is loss frame? (fear appeal)
In Europe, they put disturbing pictures of people with negative health effects from smoking on cigarette boxes. This is an example of _______, an information framing technique.
What is infant?
________ mortality is considered the strictest indicator of the health and wellbeing of a society.
What is the approach-coping strategy?
By going to your professor's office hours after failing a test, you are utilizing problem-focused coping. This is also an ______ coping strategy.
What is cognitive restructuring?
This stress management method involves replacing distorted thoughts with more constructive ones to reduce stress.
What is stimulus control?
This Cognitive Behavioral strategy involves removing "problem stimuli" from the environment and adding new things to create new "discriminative stimuli" .
What is the tertiary?
Sarah is being treated for lung cancer. This is an example of _________prevention.
What is the differences of skin color? (e.g. lighter vs. darker)
This is a hypothesis as to why certain sub-groups within the same ethnic/racial groups experience differences in their health? (e.g. Dominicans & Puerto Ricans vs. Cubans & Mexicans)
What is avoidance coping?
This coping method is often effective in the short-term, but can cause problems in the long-term.
What is biofeedback?
Using an electromechanical device to measure a physiological response, which then teaches you have to have control over that response, is an example of ______.
What is negative reinforcement?
Erin was diagnosed with Celiacs disease. She is motivated to stop eating gluten because she no longer feels pain. She is adhering to her new diet because of this operant conditioning term.
What is the abstinence violation effect?
Josh lapsed and broke sobriety. He felt discouraged and so he continued to drink, ultimately ending up in a full relapse episode. This is referred to as the _________ effect.
What is access to health care?
In the UK Whitehall study, it was found that this factor did not explain the differences in mortality rates among people from different SESs?