Jesus is Born | God Sends Moses | Moses to the Rescue | The 10 Commandments | Bonus Questions |
The magi - the three kings
Who were the men who came to visit Jesus?
In a basket down the river Nile
As a baby, how did Moses get to the Pharoah's palace?
What did God send to Pharoah through Moses to try to get Pharoah to let the Israelites go?
2 stone tablets
On what did God write the 10 commandments?
Who told Mary and Joseph they were going to have a baby?
Where was Jesus born?
Pharoah was killing babies under 2
Why did Moses's mother have to send him away?
He parted the Red Sea
What miracle did God perform after the Israelites left Egypt that helped them escape?
Mother and father
Who does God say to honor?
A golden calf
While waiting for Moses to come down from the mountain, what did the Israelites build?
Who was the king who wanted to kill Jesus?
Daughter of Pharoah
Who adopted Moses?
What did God provide in the desert for food?
The Sabbath
What day does God say to keep holy?
Joshua and Caleb
Who were the 2 men Moses sent to spy in the Holy Land?
A census was ordered
Why did Joseph and Mary leave their home town before Jesus was born?
He killed an Egyptian soldier for beating an Israelite slave
What caused Moses to leave the palace and go to the desert?
A burning bush
In the desert, what did God appear in when He told Moses His plan?
Lie, steal, murder, envy
Name 2 commandments that say what God does NOT want us to do.
Have only one God, love God more than anyone, use God's name with respect, keep God's day special
Name 2 of the four commandments that are about how to love God.
To what country did God tell Joseph to take Jesus?
Get the Israelites out of Egypt
In the desert, What did God tell Moses He wanted him to do?
What was the dinner called that celebrated God saving the Israelite children?
In what book of the Bible are the 10 commandments listed?
Who saves us as Moses saved the Israelites