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What Is Bet
The second letter of the Aleph Bet
What is Jerusalem
The capital city of Israel
What is latayt
The fifth word of Aleinu
What are Shacharit, Mincha, and Maariv
Morning, Afternoon, and Evening Services
What is Deuteronomy or Devarim
The last of the Five Books of Moses
What is a mezuzah
This box that contains the Shema is placed on the door to a Jewish home
What is New Jersey
Canada, China, or New Jersey; the closest in size to Israel
What is hummus
An Israeli spread made from Chickpeas
What is shehakol nihiyeh bidvaroh
The proper blessing before eating Chocolate
What is 613
The number of mitzvot
What is bayit
The Hebrew word for house
What is Tzedakah
Money, food, and other items that are given to the needy
Who is Deborah
A female judge and prophet who defeated Sisera
Who are Tevye and Golda
The mother and father in Fiddler on the Roof
What are etrog, palm, willow, and myrtle
Three of the four species in the lulav
What is two
Noah brought this many of each animal onto the ark
What is Lashon Hara
The Hebrew term for gossip
What is Imahot
The Hebrew word for Matriarchs/Mothers
What are Sof Pasuk phrases
These trope phrases are colored blue
What was Doctor Who
The theme of last years Purim Shpeil
What are branches
A sukkah is covered with this
What is a mensch
A good person
Who are Joshua and Caleb?
The two spies who gave an favorable report about the land of Israel/Canaan
What is yidabieru
The last word of the 'Kavod' line in the Ashrei
What is two
The number of days they celebrate Rosh Hashanah in Israel