Moral codes Types of Norms Autonomous vs Heteronomous Ethics and daily life Others
Moral codes
Set of rules or guidelines that a person or group follows in order to live a just and good life.
Social norms
Are the unwritten rules of behavior that are considered acceptable in a group or society.
Autonomous, He does what he wants.
According to Kant: Heteronomous, is not moral to lie.
Is the next situation autonomous or heteronomous? Why?
A student is copying in the exam and lies about doing it.
True or False: The main emphasis in ethics is to refrain from self-destructive behavior, especially acting in ways that harm us in the long run.
Which is the favorite drink of the teacher?
Medieval code
It was based on religious concepts, it was about fulfilling the sacraments, all under the will of God
Religious norms
Are those that indicate what should be the code of behavior of members belonging to a particular religion.
Heteronomous: The boss is asking her for the job.
Autonomous according to Kant: she did what her boss asked her.
Is the next situation autonomous or heteronomous? Why?
She knows that she requires to deliver the work the next day, so she talks to her boss because she won't be able to, due to a personal problem, the boss stil asks her to finish as much as possible. Which she does.
True or False: In sexual and love relationships, loyalty is a requirement, the intentions have to be clear and they have to be made explicit.
Harry potter, Wizard of Oz, Criss Angel
Name a famous wizard.
Hammurabi code
Set of 282 laws inscribed on a stone by the king of Babylon.
Moral norms
This norms dictate that individuals navigate through the world without harming others. They aim to promote the well-being of others and the community at large, can help attenuate these negative consequences by tempering (either through suppression or regulation of) these self-enhancing desires.
Autonomous (he/she) did what desired or wanted
According to kant: heteronomous
Is the next situation autonomous or heteronomous? Why?
A teenager really wants to go to a concert, he/she doesn't have the money so he/she steals it.
Is not good or bad, it respects autonomy as long as its not harming oneself or others
What does ethics say about drugs?
Donald Duck, ugly duck, Daisy duck, Lucas duck
Name a famous duck
Prehispanic code
Set of documents made by members of the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica before the Spanish Conquest of their territories.
Legal norms
Are binding rules or principles that organisations of sovereign power promulgate and enforce in order to regulate social relations.
When the will of someone is under the control of another. According to Kant: is the condition of acting on desires, which are not legislated by reason.
What is heteronomous? And according to Kant?
Is not good or bad, it respects autonomy as long as its not harming oneself or others. Important to also to consider it as a real ethis issue.
What does ethics say about School dropout?
Fantastic animals, Caribean Pirates, Alice in wonderland, Charly and the chocolate factory, Scissors man
Name 3 movies where Johnny Depp acts in
Bourbon Codex
It has a group of divinations, a section dedicated to the lords of the night, indications on the indigenous celebration of the veintenas, and a part on propitious days to celebrate marriages, harvests or births. Which prehispanic codex?
Social-society, moral- good or wrong, legal- consctitution, religious- bible or the book of the religion
Mention 1 example of moral norms, social norms, legal norms and religious norms
The capacity for self-government; According to Kant: is the ability to know what morality requires of us
What is autonomous? And according to Kant?
The main disturbing emotions are greed and anger, as well as naivety about the consequences of our habitual ways of acting, speaking, and thinking, when driven compulsively by these troublesome emotions. Also, since we lack any feeling of self-worth, we don't care at all how we behave.
What does ethics say about Destructive behavior during youth?
Nissan, Chevrolet, Seat, Volkswagen, BMW
3 car companies (brands)

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