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What is utilitarianism?
The doctrine that actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit of a majority
What is virtue ethics?
The right thing to do is what the virtuous person would do
What is deontology?
any system of ethics that’s based on rules.
What is Kantian ethics
Morally right thing is to follow rules, morally wrong is to break the rules.
What is the divine command theory?
whatever god commands is the right thing to do
who is John Stewart Mills?
He wrote utilitarianism
Who is Immanuel Kant?
He said the duty of self-improvement and the duty to aid others.
who is Immanuel Kant?
He wrote the good will and the categorical imperative
Who is Robert Merrihew Adams
explains the divine command theory as “It is wrong to do X. It is contrary to God's commands to do X.”
What is utilitarianism?
This states we should always consider the maximum level of happiness that can be achieved from each action.
Who is kittay
They wrote the Ethics of Care, Dependence, and Disability
Who is Christina Korsgaard?
She wrote The Right To Lie: Kant on Dealing with Evil
What does Kantian ethics say?
If you want x, then do y
Who is John Stuart Mill
This person defines utilitarianism as a theory based on the principle that "actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness."
Who is John stewart mills?
he said “It is not human life only, not human life as such, that ought to be sacred to us, but human feelings. The human capacity of suffering is what we should cause to be respected, not the mere capacity of existing.
What is contractarianism?
Any of various theories that justify moral principles or political arrangements by appealing to a social contract that is voluntarily committed to under ideal conditions for such commitment
Who is Joseph M. Marshall III?
He wrote Humility
Who is Norcross?
they wrote Comparing Harms
what is utilitarianism?
it is based off happiness. It is based on the number of people that are happy.
Who is plato?
he talks about Euthyphro and Socrates