Chapter 4 Egoism, Altruism, and the Social Contract
What is altruism?
According to your textbook, it is the term that is defined as "concern for the will-being of others".
What is The Golden Rule?
Defined as "Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you."
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
According to your textbook, he saved pigs which were drowning in a river.
Who is Ayn Rand?
She wrote "Atlas Shrugged".
What are pro-social behaviors?
According to your textbook, these are "behaviors that are not primarily self-interested and that are motivated by basic concern for others".
What is The Hunger Games?
The recent movie that your textbook used to demonstrate the conflict between altruism and egoism.
What is weakness of will or akrasia?
This phenomenon could be explained by the fact that I would like to lose weight but do not want to put forth the effort that it requires.
What is universal ethical egoism?
As opposed to individual ethical egoism, this term states that everybody should look out for their own best interests.
What is self interest?
The social contract theory provides a justification of the legal system that is grounded in the rational ____________ of human beings
What is either regulation or intervention?
Laissez-faire capitalism is a form of capitalism with minimal government ____________________?

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