What is the duty to provide competent representation?
The first Rule of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.1, imposes this duty on lawyers.
What is an unwaivable conflict?
The assertion of a claim by one client against another client constitutes this type of conflict of interest.
What is Rule 8.3(b)?
This rule obligates lawyers to blow the whistle on federal judges who don’t follow the rules.
What is the Peer Review Panel?
In the absence of a written complaint, Bar Counsel may not investigate a Wyoming lawyer without prior written authorization from this supervisory committee.
What is Interest on Lawyers Trust Account?
IOLTA is an acronym for this type of account, the proceeds of which are used to fund public interest causes.
What is the duty to maintain reasonable communication?
Lawyers who do not return their clients’ phone calls risk violating this duty.
What is a Chinese Wall?
This imaginary structure is used to shield a lawyer from confidential information possessed by another lawyer in the same firm relating to the second lawyer’s representation of an adverse party.
What is the duty of candor to the tribunal?
This duty overrides a lawyer’s obligation of confidentiality to the client, and is activated when a lawyer learns that the client has offered false evidence.
What is the Board of Professional Responsibility?
Before being subjected to discipline of any type, a lawyer has a right to a hearing before this body.
What is contingent?
Fee agreements of this type must be in writing and comply with special rules of the Wyoming Supreme Court.
What is commingling?
This term describes the deposit of unearned fees into a lawyer’s operating account.
What is revocation of the waiver?
This event and its undesirable consequences are always a risk even after clients have signed a waiver of a conflict of interest.
What is "fitness as a lawyer in other respects?"
A lawyer has a duty to report professional misconduct that raises a substantial question as to another lawyer’s “honesty, trustworthiness” . . . and this.
What is a private reprimand?
During 2013, 9 Wyoming lawyers were the recipients of this, the least severe form of discipline.
What are relatives?
Lawyers may not prepare wills that leave themselves bequests except for this category of clients.
What is communication?
Rule 4.2 prohibits this interaction between a lawyer and a person who is represented by another lawyer.
What is an issue conflict?
This conflict arises when there is a significant risk that a lawyer’s legal position on behalf of one client will materially limit the lawyer’s effectiveness in representing another client in a different case.
What is the duty to refrain from unmeritorious claims or contentions?
This duty is violated when a lawyer signs a court document that is not well grounded in fact.
What is 5 years?
In Wyoming, disbarment is not forever; disbarred Wyoming lawyers may petition for reinstatement after this period of time.
What are divorces?
Contingent fee agreements are prohibited in criminal matters and civil proceedings of this type.
What is compensation?
Rule 1.5 prohibits a lawyer from entering into an unreasonable agreement with a client regarding this.
What is the Rule 1.8(a) prohibition against business transactions with clients?
A lawyer who loans a client money and has the client sign a standard promissory note commits a per se violation of this rule.
What is the duty to expedite litigation?
This duty may be violated even when it is to the client's benefit to delay proceedings.
What are costs associated with the disciplinary proceeding?
A lawyer who receives professional discipline must pay a $500 administrative fee and these.
What is the Unauthorized Practice of Law?
Non-lawyers who share fees with lawyers can find themselves in hot water for this.