Cephalopods | Octopus | Squid | Cuttlefish | Nautilus |
What is a cephalopod?
It means "head, foot"
What is ink?
Octopus release this to escape from predators.
What are mollusks?
Squid are part of this classification of animals that have soft bodies and no backbone.
What is create a flashing light?
Cuttlefish do this to stun their prey.
What is a shell?
Nautiluses have this external item which is not shared by any of the other cephalopods.
What is an octopus?
It has a head and eight arms.
What are suction pads?
Octopus have these on all eight arms to hold and taste food.
What are gills?
Squid use these to breathe in the water just like most fish.
What is a beak?
Cuttlefish use this to tear and eat their food.
What is false?
True or False: Like most cephalopods, the nautilius' blood is red.
What is a nautilus?
It s a mollusk, an animal with a shell and snail like body. Also the name of Capt. Nemo's ship.
What is a beak?
Octopus use this to tear into food.
What is true?
True or False: Squid have 2 tentacles and eight arms.
What is a cuttlebone?
Cuttlefish have this hard brittle internal structure which is often used for birds to keep their beaks sharp.
What is false?
True or False: Nautiluses have suction pads on their tentacles just as an octopus does.
What is a cuttlefish?
It has 8 arms and two tentacles the front of its body with a big mantle for a head. it performs a light show to stun its prey.
What is true?
True or false: female octopus die shortly after giving birth.
What are shrimp or crabs or small fish?
A type of food a squid might eat.
What is false?
True or False: Cuttlefish have twelve tentacles.
What is ninety?
Nautiluses can have this many tentacles.
What is a squid?
It has tentacles attached to its head with suction pads similar to the octopus.
What is camouflage or change color?
Octopus use ink and the ability to do this to hide from predators.
What is true?
True or false: Squid predators include sharks and some birds.
What are fins?
Cuttlefish use this for steering and propulsion.
What is true?
True or False: Nautiliuses life span is about 20 years, much longer than most cephalopods.