Skin for the win | Smoooooooth! | diseased and confused | disorderly conduct | Let's face it (facial) |
What are epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous
The 3 layers of the skin.
What is chemical depilatory
hair removal method that uses a chemical that softens and degrades the protein structure of the hair.
What is chronic
term used to describe a condition that is frequent and habitual
What is a steatoma
A sebacceous cyst or wen
What is effleurage
A light, gliding massage movement
What is the integumentary system
The skin and it layers.
What is threading
An ancient method of hair removal also known as banding.
What is verruca
Name given to a variety of warts
What is rosacea
Chronic inflammatory condition of the cheeks
What is petrissage
a light or heaving kneading massage movement
What is the dermis
The layer of skin that has blood vessels and capillaries
What is sugaring
Hair removal method that utilizes a technique in which the product is applied to the skin in a rolling motion.
What is a wheal
An example is a mosquito bite
What is impetigo
highly contagious bacterial infection that produces a honey - yellow, crusted lesion
What is exfoliation
removes the outer layer of the epidermal cells
What is sebaceous
Technical term for oil glands
What is electrology
Hair removal method that uses electric current to damage the cells of the papilla.
What is papule
Another term for a pimple.
What is folliculitis
infection of the hair follicle caused by a bacteria or shaving.
What is a toner
helps to further cleanse the skin and restore the pH
What is sensation, heat regulation, absorption, protection, excretion, secretion.
6 functions of the skin
What is Laser hair removal and photoepilation
2 hair reduction methods that uses light beams.
What is a fissure
An example is chapped lips
What is anhidrosis
the inability to sweat
What is spatula
Used to safely remove products from the original container