Parts of speech | Sentence patterns | Modifying clauses and pharses | Sentence Parsing | Writing Structures |
What is a Noun?
I can be used as a Subject, Direct Object, Object of the Preposition or an Appositive.
What is S-Vt-DO
The dog ate my homework.
What is an adverb phrase
I live (in the forest).
What is the Subject?
The (cat) sat, staring at the mouse.
What are the Introduction and Conclusion?
These should be written after the body of an essay is written.
What are Verbs?
I have Person, Number, Voice, Tense and a Mood.
What is S-Vl-PN
You are an amazing student!
What is an adjective phrase
Your dinner is (on the counter).
What is the Verb?
Please (give) me some of your candy.
What is a Key Word Outline?
I can be used to outline a paragraph
What are Coordinating Conjunctions?
For And Nor But Or Yet So
What is S-Vt-IO-DO
Please give your sister her shoes.
What is an adverb clause
(Before we go) I need to get my coat on.
What is Object Complement Adjective?
I painted my room (turquoise).
What is an Essay?
I can be used to write a small or large amount about any topic.
What are Pronouns?
I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they
What is S-Vl-PA
My bike is red with black wheels.
What is an adjective clause
The one (that fits me) is in the closet.
What is the Indirect Object?
I will show (you) my room!
What is the Narrative Structure?
I can be used to retell a story.
What are Prepositions?
between, except, inside, over, through, within
What is S-Vi
Only in the morning do the birds sing.
What is an adverb clause
We can eat popcorn (while we wait).
What is the Object of the Preposition?
I will go to the (store).
What is the Creative Writing Structure?
I can be used to write about something inside my head.