Heaven | Hell | Purgatory | End of the World | Catholic Schools Trivia (College Edition) |
What is the beatific vision?
Seeing God face to face in all His Glory
What is Hell?
Eternal separation from God
What is purgare?
The latin verb meaning "to make clean"
What is the Parousia?
The second coming of Christ
What is Notre Dame?
This Catholic university boasts the mascot "the Fighting Irish"?
What is the particular judgment?
When a person is separated from his or her soul, the soul immediately undergoes this event before Christ.
What is universalism?
The is the belief that all souls go to heaven no matter what.
What is unknown/until debts are repaid?
The duration of purgatory
What is the General Resurrection?
The reunification of body and souls
What is Gonzaga University?
This school made it to NCAA basketball finals twice in the past five years, losing in the championship to North Carolina and Baylor.
What is impeccable?
This word is describes Heaven's blessedness and means "perfect, without flaw"
What is annihilationism?
This is a belief that all souls in hell will be destroyed by God.
What is venial sin?
The sin on the soul which might need to be cleansed in a state of purgatory
What is the General Judgment?
When Christ judges all of humanity at the end of the world
What is Georgetown University (Washington, DC)?
This is the oldest Catholic University in the United States
What is eternal?
This word describes Heaven's blessed and means that Heaven has no end.
What is loss of the beatific vision?
This is the poena damni, or negative punishment of hell.
What is Maccabees?
This Old Testament book in which warriors pray for their righteous dead
What is the book of Revelation?
The New Testament book where a "new creation" is mentioned
What is Holy Spirit College or Southern Catholic College?
One of the two Catholic Universities in Georgia
What is inequality?
The word describes Heaven's blessedness and means that all of creation retains its nature in a state of heaven.
What is corporeal torment?
This is the poena sensus, or positive punishment of hell.
What are the Councils of Trent & Florence?
The councils which defined the Church's doctrine on purgatory
What is 1 Thessalonians?
The New Testament book where the "rapture" is mentioned
What is St. Joseph's University?
Pope Francis visited this Jesuit university in Philadelphia in 2015 during his papal visit to the U.S.