About Erik Erikson | Stages of Developtmemt | Definition of stages | Psychosocial theory | True or False? |
On June 15,1902 In Frankfort, Germany
When and where was Eric Ericson born?
Trust vs. Mistrust
What Stage of development is developed during infancy?
Infants learn, or fail to learn, that people can be depended on and that they can depend on themselves
What is trust vs mistrust?.
8 Stages of social and emotional development that cover the human life span.
What is Psychosocial theory?
True or False? The crucial aspects of development that occur in the first 8 years of a child's life is greatly dependent on adults and the relationships between children and significant adults in their lives are extremely important?
History, Latin, Art
While studying at, Das Humanistische Gymnasium, what subjects did Erikson take an interest in?
Preschool 3 to 5 years
At what age is Initiative vs. Shame and doubt developed?
Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
What stage of development does children develop a basic sense of autonomy that can be defined as self-governance and independent action?
A major task or challenge
What is each stage characterized by?
True or false? Teachers must provide adequate time and resources to encourage children to explore,to plan and to carry out play episodes so that the sense of initiative can develop?
Anna Freud
Who influenced Erikson to formally study psychoanalysis?
Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt
What Stage of development is developed during the second stage of life?
Children need to express their natural curiosity and creativity through opportunities to act on the environment
What happens during the initiative vs guilt stage?
He believed that basic attitudes are formed as individuals pass through stages of life and that serious problems at any stage will lead to difficulty in mastering the next stage.
What did Erikson believe?
Nurturing, responsive relationships in the first year of life are essential to the development of initiative vs. guilt?
Erik Erikson is best known for his famous theory of psychosocial development and the concept of the identity crisis
What is Erikson best known for?
School Age 5 to 13 years
When does industry vs. inferiority develop?
Industry vs. inferiority
At what stage are children ready for the challenge of new and exciting ideas and need opportunities for physical, intellectual and social accomplishment?
a continuum with the potential for health development at one end and the potential for development of negative and self defeating attitudes at the other
What is described at each stage?
Initiative blossoms when children experience a curriculum that allows them to practice their emerging skills and provides them with tools and materials for success.
That Dr. Theodore Homberger was not his biological father.
What truth was hidden from Erikson leaving him confused about his own identity?
Trust vs. Mistrust
Autonomy vs. Shame and guilt Initiative vs guilt Industry vs. Inferiority Identity vs. Role Confusion Intimacy vs. Isolation Generativity vs. Stagnation Ego Integrity vs. Despair
What are all 8 stages of development?
Identity vs Confusion
At what stage do teenagers work at refining a sense of self by testing roles and them integrating them to form a single identity or to teenagers
He saw development as the product of tension between two extremes with more positive than negative experiences necessary for healthy progress.
What did Erikson see development as?
Toddler teachers who emphasize mistakes focus on successes and encourage children to try new things are fostering positive development in this stage?