Erectus | Erectus benefits from fire | Neanderthal special traits | Lucy human like feautres | Lucy ape like traits |
The Achilles' tendon was a shock absorber.
What was the Achilles' tendon used for?
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Daily double
It was built for cold weather.
What weather was the Neanderthal built for?
Lucy walked on two legs like humans. She's bipedal.
How many legs did Lucy walk on?
Pick a number 1,2,3,4
Daily double
It helped support Erectus's upper body while running.
A strong gluteus Maximus did what for erectus?
Erectus was the first to master fire
What was Erectus the first to master?
It's nose radiated heat to keep warm.
What did the Neanderthal use its nose for?
The pelvis.
this feature held Lucy guts. What is it?
Lucy needs her ape like arms because she climb trees when predators attack her.
Why does Lucy need her ape like arms?
Erectus would have to have specialized brain hardware.
Erectus was able to throw very accurate like us humans. What trait must he have in order to succeed in this task?
Erectus gained protein by cooking food.
How did Erectus gain protein?
This shows that they had empathy of their own kind.
The Neanderthal has their own burial ritual. What does this show?
It's important because it helped support Lucy's weight.
Lucy thigh bones were slanted. Why was this important?
Lucy on average is 3.5 ft fully grown.
On average how tall is Lucy?
Erectus was able to adapt.
Erectus was able to live in different climates. How was he able to do so?
When archaeologist found out Erectus mastered fire they knew Erectus could also control his (blank)
It's dangerous because its cold and when you sweat in the cold it could increases the rate of getting a heart attack, hypothermia, and frostbite.
Why is it dangerous for Neanderthal to sweat? Name at least 1 reason.
It was was a part of their evolution.
Like us humans Lucy also have smaller canine teeth. What caused Lucy to have smaller canine teeth
Lucy brain compared to ours is tiny/small.
Lucy and humans have a lot in common. However how is Lucy brain size compared to ours?