Great Society Civil Rights Cold War Holocaust Grab Bag
What government program provides health care for those over 65?
Brown v Board of Education
What Supreme Court case ruled that segregation was illegal?
What was the name of the first satelite?
Hostility or prejudice against Jews
Define Ant-Semitism
The Justice League of America
What organization do the FLash, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman and the Green Lantern all belong to?
What government program provides health care for the poor?
Rosa Parks
What woman refused to give up her seat in a bus in order to force a confrontation?
General MacArthur landed troops where in South Korea to surprise North Korean forces?
Labor camp for enemies of the state.
What is a concentration camp?
Bilbo Baggins
Who celebrated is 111th birthday during "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring?"
The World Poverty
President Johnson delcared war on what?
Bus Boycott
What did the African Americans of Montgomery organize in response to Rosa Parks being arrested?
House UnAmerican Activities Committee
What was HUAC?
Segregated neighborhoods for the Jews.
What is a ghetto?
Golden State Warriors
What team did the OKC Thunder defeat last night?
Job Corps
What program offered work training for the unemployed?
University of Mississippi
Violent riots erupted in response to James Meredith trying to get into what university?
Mao Zedong
Who was the communist leader of China?
"The night of broken glass" Start of the Holocaust, riots against Jews across Germany.
What was Kristallnacht?
What is the abbreviation for trinitrotoluene?
(Volunteer in Service to America)
What program was a domestic version of the Peace Corps that provided help to poor communities in the U.S.?
Civil Rights Act of 1964
The March on Washington (where MLK gave his "I Have a Dream Speech) was conducted to try and get what law passed?
Warsaw Pact
What communist alliance system was founded to oppose NATO?
What was the name of the largest death camp?
What rap start is currently under fire for taking a trip to the communist nation of Cuba?

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