POP goes the weasel! It's in the H2O Plant and Animal (Reese's) Species A Little Bit of Everything Stream Assessment Shenanigans
What is a population?
Individuals that belong to the same species and live in a given area at a particular time.
What is Non-Point Source?
Pollution that runs off from diffuse areas (eg. agriculture)
What is a Food Web?
Ecologists commonly use this type of conceptual model to illustrate the complex interactions among organisms within an ecosystem
What is Tree Cover/Seasons? (many other acceptable answers)
This factor can influence air temp near streams
What is Density Independent?
If the probability of an individual surviving is NOT influenced by population, we say the population growth is this
What are dead zones?
Areas in which dissolved oxygen is so low that little life can survive
What is a Secondary Consumer (Herbivore)?
An animal that consumes animals that consumes plants.
What is a Bycatch?
Non-targeted harvested species; often discarded or harmed
What is dissolved oxygen (DO)?
This maximum content of this water characteristic is influence directly by temperature, where colder waters can hold more.
What is Carrying Capacity?
The limit to the number of individuals in a population that can be supported by available resources in an ecosystem
What is Biological Oxygen Demand?
When human waste enters a waterway, an INCREASE in this measure of oxygen will occur as a result of decomposition
What is Gross Primary Productivity?
The amount of solar energy captured by plants through photosynthesis
What is Maximum Sustainable Yield
This strategy, based on logistic growth curves, is promoted as a way to produce the greatest amount of fish for harvest without reducing the number of fish available for the next year.
What is a culvert?
A man-made infrastructure through which a stream is suppose to flow under a road. In NH, these are often undersized and in need of replacement.
What is Density Dependent growth?
This type of population growth is characterized by initially rapid population growth followed by a deceleration in growth rate as it reaches carrying capacity. Commonly depicted with an "S-shaped" curve
What are Total Maximum Daily Loads?
Referred to as TMDLS for short, these are limits to the amount of a contaminant allowed to enter waterways to prevent degradation of aquatic systems
What is Phosphorus?
Nitrogen and this other macro nutrient are considered limiting factors to primary production in aquatic systems
What is a Realized Niche?
A combination of abiotic and biotic conditions that characterize where a species is actually found
What is Channel Width/Depth/Velocity?
These three factors are used to calculate stream discharge in cubic meters per second.
What is a "r' selected species?
An _____ selected species is likely to exhibit fast population growth with short generation time.
What is (Cultural) Eutrophication?
Process by which a body of water experiences an increase in primary productivity due to an increase in nutrients from human sources
What is Fundamental Niche?
The range of abiotic conditions in which a species can persist
What is Phenotype?
Actual set of physical traits expressed by an individual
What is acid rain?
Surface waters in New England have been negatively impacted by this; it was the result of air pollution generated in the mid-west decades ago.

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