Grammar and Mechanics Writing Literature Research Miscellaneous
What is an appositive?
This is the term used to describe the function of the word "Billy" in the following sentence:

My best friend, Billy, is trying out for the soccer team today.
What is MLA format?
This strict set of ruled makes up the preferred format for any formal text written for a humanities class, such as English.
What is a simile?
This type of figurative language sets up a comparison between two things using the words "like" or "as."
What is the Works Cited page?
This is the formal name for the list of resources used to gather the information in a research paper.
What is Thursday?
This is the day of the week on which Mr. Meeks wears what he refers to as his "fancy pants."
What is an adjective, an adverb, or an article?
This is one of the parts of speech that functions to modify other words in a sentence.
What are transition words/phrases?
These words or phrases serve to allow a writer to move smoothly and clearly to his or her next point in a text while at the same time indicating the relationship between his or her ideas.
What is non-fiction?
This category of literature encompasses all writing which is factual, as opposed to more creative literary works.
What is a primary source?
Taken from first-hand accounts of a given event, this type of source is the most useful and reliable.
What is the Declaration of Independence?
This famous document begins with the phrase, "When in the course of human events..."
What is a subordinating conjunction?
Used to join an independent and a dependent clause, this part of speech may or may not be preceded by a comma.
What is third person?
A formal essay must be written in this point of view.
Who is Emily Dickinson?
This 19th century poet is known for her extensive use of slant rhyme as well as her predictable rhyme and meter.
What is the thesis statement?
Appearing at some point during the first paragraph of a formal research paper, this sentence is intended to give the reader an exact account of the main goal of the text.
What is the Bible?
This text is by far the most quoted and alluded to throughout all known literature.
What is an infinitive?
Not to be confused with a prepositional phrase, this part of speech consists of two words and is classified as a "verbal."
What is revision/editing?
The process whereby a writer reads over his or her work and makes a number of corrections is referred to by this term.
What is The Tragedy of Macbeth?
Considered Shakespeare's bloodiest play, this drama is also referred to as "the Scottish play."
What is credible?
When a source can be believed and trusted, it is said to be this.
Who is William Shakespeare?
Literary historian Robert Mecrum, along with many other prominent scholars and professors, claims that this well-known author possessed a vocabulary of more than twice the number of words as the average modern educated person holding an advanced degree.
What is a relative clause?
Used to modify a word or phrase in an independent clause, this type of clause is introduced most often by the words "who," "that," or "which."
What is the interrobang?
This special character, no longer present on modern keyboards, is a whimsical punctuation mark meant to express surprise and inquiry simultaneously.
Who is Mark Twain?
A certain well-known American novelist is known primarily by this pseudonym, although his real name is Samuel Clemens.
What is the Modern Language Association?
This organization is responsible for putting together the set of guidelines followed by the majority of literary researchers and is typically only referred to by the acronym MLA.
What is 1066 AD?
This year marks the introduction of French as the national language of Britain following the Battle of Hastings.

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