a rose for Emily | William Faulkner | the pearl | word list 14-26 |
b. The town was well kept and Mrs. Emily’s house was not.
what was different about Mrs. Emily’s house from the rest of the town?
a. Her house was blue b. The town was well kept and Mrs. Emily’s house was not. c. Their houses were green d. Her house was stone |
An American writer
Who is William Faulkner
this is a synonym for normal
c. They disrespect them.
how did they treat black people?
a. With respect. b. They shunned them. c. They disrespect them. d. Equally. |
True or False William Faulkner won and Noble Prize for Literature
improve or make better
the definition of ameliorate
b. Pity and horror
the emotions a reader might be expected to feel toward Emily include-
a. Amusement and gratitude b. Pity and horror c. Contempt and disappointment d. Approval and satisfaction |
A Rose for Emily, Light in August, As I Lay Dying, The Notable Sound of Fury, Absalom Absalom
Name one of William Faulkner writings
this is a perfect or ideal example
d. Refuses to acknowledge his death
after her father’s death, Emily -
a. Moves to another town b. Sees many suitors c. Becomes a supporter of the arts d. Refuses to acknowledge his death |
A Fable, and The Reivers
What two novels of William Faulkner won the Pulitzer Prize of Fiction
bored, blase`
synonym of jaded
b. Feel as if she is above the law
colonel Sartorius influences Emily by making her –
a. Think of future suitors b. Feel as if she is above the law c. Feel as if the world is ending d. Think about military matters |
September 25 1897
When was William Faulkner born
a synonym for creeper