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A bull in a china shop.
Слон в посудной лавке.
A(n) _ in a china shop.
Bite your tongue.
Bite your _.
A piece of cake.
Легкое дело.
A piece of _.
A(n) _ lie.
A white lie. Ложь во благо.
A(n) _ lie.
Calm before the storm.
Затишье перед бурей.
Calm before the _.
Buy a pig in a poke.
Купить кота в мешке.
Buy a(n) _ in a poke.
A heart-to-heart talk.
Душевные разговоры.
A(n) _-to-_ talk.
To buy a lemon.
Купить что-то бесполезное.
To buy a(n) _.
A(n) _ opportunity.
A golden opportunity. Отличная возможность.
A(n) _ opportunity.
Break the ice.
Сделать первый шаг.
Break the _.
Kill two birds with one stone :(
Убить двух зайцев.
Kill two _ with one stone.
Keep your _ up.
Keep your chin up. Не вешай нос.
Keep your _ up.
Аs cool as a cucumber.
Спокоен как удав.
Аs cool as a(n) _.
The black ship.
Белая ворона.
The _ ship.
As right as rain.
Быть в полном порядке.
As right as _.
To hear something straight from the horse’s mouth.
Услышать из первых уст.
To hear something straight from the _’s mouth.
Don’t pull my leg.
Не пудри мне мозги.
Don’t pull my _.
As sure as eggs is eggs.
Верно как дважды два.
As sure as _ is _.
To be in the blue.
Потерпеть неудачу.
To be in the _.
Get wind of something.
Своевременно узнать.
Get _ of something.
Smell a rat.
Учуять неладное.
Smell a(n) _.
To play smth by ear.
To play smth by _.
Chew the fat.
Chew the _.
Be the pink of perfection.
Верх совершенства.
Be the _ of perfection.
To not have the foggiest idea.
Не иметь ни малейшего понятия.
To not have the _ idea.