Category 1 | Category 2 | Category 3 | Category 4 | Category 5 |
What is B
The cat's paw is singular and possessive
A. John's cat licked their paw.
B. John's cat licked its paw. |
What is B
They occurred at the same time so they should have the same verb tense
A. The car stopped as the cat walk across the road.
B. The car stopped as the cat walked across the road. |
What is A
Alexa is one person so the verb 'try' must be in its singular form
A. Alexa tries really hard to be a good dancer.
B. Alexa try really hard to be a good dancer. |
What is A
'The mall' is singular, therefore 'sound' must be in the singular form
A. Going to the mall sounds like a good idea.
B. Going to the mall sound like a good idea. |
What is B
You cannot use adverbs in place of adjectives; vice versa
A. The study guide was very helpfully.
B. The study guide was very helpful. |
What is
What is A
It should be singular and possessive rather than objective
A. Did she go get lunch with his mother?
B. Did she go get lunch with him mother? |
What is A
'Austin and John' is plural, therefore it takes the plural verb 'like'
A. Austin and John like to go mudding.
B. Austin and John likes to go mudding. |
What is B
The singular verb 'everyone' takes the singular verb 'wants'
A. Everyone want to be Hannah's friend.
B. Everyone wants to be Hannah's friend. |
What is B
'Most' signals the superlative form, which you should use when you can't tell how many items there are
A. Caleb scored the more touchdowns.
B. Caleb scored the most touchdowns. |
What is B
The singular form of 'lady' ends with a 'y' so to make it plural, you would change 'y' to 'ies'
A. The ladys drank their coffee and talked.
B. The ladies drank their coffee and talked. |
What is
What is
What is B
'Was' and 'it' are both singular, therefore there is only one desk
A. The desks was wobbly when Jeff sat on it.
B. The desk was wobbly when Jeff sat on it. |
What is A
Do not confuse the adjective 'sure' with the adverb 'surely'
A. Jake surely wanted to lock the cage.
B. Jake sure wanted to lock the cage. |
What is B
The past tense of the verb 'did' has a past participle in front of it so it must be changed to 'done'
A. She has did the presentation.
B. She has done the presentation. |
What is A
'He' is third person singular so 'fix' must become 'fixes'
A. He fixes his car when it breaks down.
B. He fix his car when it breaks down. |
What is A
'To swim' and 'to tan' must be in the same form to emphasize their equal importance
A. Katie likes to swim in the lake and to tan in the sun.
B. Katie likes to swim in the lake and tanning in the sun. |
What is B
The ending -er and the words 'more' and 'less' signal the comparative form
A. Jasper is least athletic than Will.
B. Jasper is less athletic than Will. |
What is
What is
What is A
'For' is the correct preposition to be used after 'wait' when you are talking about a person or thing
A. We waited for our food for so long.
B. We waited on our food for so long. |
What is B
The word 'by' would be the correct preposition to use because it identifies the agent performing an action
A. Taylor was too occupied with her boyfriend to text her friend back.
B. Taylor was too occupied by her boyfriend to text her friend back. |
What is B
It is acceptable to mix tense shifts when the verbs show events that happened at different times
A. The dog will be in a show, so his trainer is worked with him.
B. The dog will be in a show, so his trainer is working with him. |
What is A
This sentence uses a conjunctive pair to link the two phrases, therefore it needs to be in parallel form
A. The dog was not only well behaved but also very loyal.
B. The dog was not only well behaved but also it showed loyalty. |