Sentence Structure (type and corrections) Words Sounding the Same Adjectives and Adverbs Make me Concise! Transitions (identify and change)
What is a run-on sentence that should be split between “answer” and “then” with a period?
The art of test-taking is to choose the correct answer then you will do well.
What is than?
The water was bluer (than, then) any she’d swum in before.
What is aimlessly?
We spent Sunday afternoon wandering (aimless, aimlessly) around the park.
What is delete “an extended flight”?
In the fall, as temperatures decrease, migratory birds begin their long journey south, an extended flight.
What is “besides” to “however”?
Some birds may not travel far. Besides, most birds, millions throughout the U.S and Canada, migrate as many as three thousand miles!
What is a fragment that should have a comma between “began” and “the”?
Before the concert began. The performers practiced.
What is their?
Two birds flapped (they’re, there, their) wings as they scuttled away from the children running toward them.
What is easy?
The director noted that the most (easiest, easy) part of filming was ahead of them that day.
What is “computer technology has progressed through the use of facial recognition software”?
Computer technology has really progressed a lot through the use facial recognition software.
What is “when” to “while”?
When baking soda rises when it reacts with salt, baking powder already has rising power.
What is a comma splice that should have a period instead of a comma?
The fox was outside the building, it ran when we came close.
What is effect?
The amount of water in the river is an (effect, affect) of the snow melting.
What is easily?
Sara saw a jar of cookies, which were (easily, easiest, easy) the best looking she’d ever seen.
What is delete “which turns into a butterfly”?
The caterpillar, which turns into a butterfly, is a member of the arthropod phylum.
What is “and” to “but”?
Elegant dresses can be worn sometimes, and everyday dresses can be worn more often.
What is a parallel sentence that should replace “kept” with “keep”?
The students were asked to announce the players, referee the game, and kept the score.
What is illicit?
A man selling (elicit, illicit) DVDs of a movie he had recorded in the theater was arrested yesterday.
What is brighter?
The moon shines (more bright, as bright, brighter) than the stars.
What is delete “too tall”?
The baking soda caused the cookies to rise an extra two and a half centimeters, resulting in a particularly cakey cookie, too tall.
What is “which” to “and”?
At forty five, she would have been training for two years, which she hoped her preparations would pay off.
What is a change in verb tense that should replace “will not” with “would not”?
Although she didn’t attend the official ceremony, the candidate knew she will not win.
What is complement?
Charles was the perfect (compliment, complement) to his wife because he spoke up when she would be silent.
What is challengingly
The more (challenging, challengingly) written a book is, the longer it takes me to read it!
What is delete “which was weight”?
Samrith was close to a wrestling weight class, so he lost one pound, which was weight that allowed him to drop down a a weight class.
What is “a group” to “with a group”?
On Tuesday, a group of other students, Jeremy was awarded the “excellence in education” medal.

English Grammar/Conventions

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