Tone and Diction | Theme | Forming Solid Arguments | Logical Fallacies | Source Evaluation |
What is diction?
Word choice.
What is a thematic subject?
A broad, central idea that a story takes a side on or illustrates a lesson in relation to
What is ethos?
An argument made by an expert on the topic
What type of logical fallacy is the following:
I saw that guy cut someone off in traffic on his way to this interview, we can't hire a guy like that!
Ad hominem
What does the C stand for in the CARS Source Evaluation Process?
What is connotation?
The emotional impact of a word
What is a thematic statement?
An arguable lesson/message that a story is trying to teach readers
What is pathos?
An argument made by appealing to the emotions
What type of logical fallacy is the following:
Well, I've never heard him lie about anything, so he must be an honest fellow.
Appeal to Ignorance
What does the R stand for in the CARS Source Evaluation Process?
What is denotation?
The dictionary definition of a word
What is a thematic subject of "The Secret Life of Bees?"
Answers may vary
What is logos?
An argument made using facts, statistics, or logical reasoning
What type of logical fallacy is the following:
Cats are terrifying. One time, my neighbors cat scratched my dad for no reason!
Hasty Generalization
What does annotation mean?
To take strategic notes on a text
What is tone?
An author's attitude towards the subject they are writing about
What is a thematic statement of "The Secret Life of Bees?"
Answers may vary.
Is the following an ethos, pathos, or logos argument?
Students should wear uniforms because when collecting data from ten local schools, 87% of the children wearing uniforms had higher test scores.
What type of logical fallacy is the following:
Man 1: We shouldn't throw away water bottles because its bad for the environment. Man 2: If we can't throw even throw away water bottles, eventually we won't be able to throw away anything. By next year, you'll have a house full of trash that you won't know what to do with!
Slippery Slope
What are the three purposes an author could have for writing a text?
Inform, Persuade, or Entertain
Identify the tone: "It was very late and everyone had left the cafe except an old man who sat in the shadow the leaves of the tree made against the electric light. In the day time the street was dusty, but at night the dew settled the dust and the old man liked to sit late because he was deaf and now at night it was quiet and he felt the difference."
Peaceful and calm
Change this thematic subject to a thematic statement that was present in The Crucible?
Is the following an ethos, pathos, or logos argument?
Licensed therapist Julianne April states that mental health should be discussed with children at a young age and she urges parents to have these conversations
What type of logical fallacy is the following:
Pointing to a fancy chart, Roger shows how temperatures have been rising over the past few centuries, whilst at the same time the numbers of pirates have been decreasing; thus pirates cool the world and global warming is a hoax.
False Causality
What are primary and secondary sources?
Primary sources are people with first hand information on a topic; secondary sources are documents that have information collected through research