The Scarlet Letter | The Scarlet Letter | The Crucible | The Crucible | The Crucible |
What is Hawthorne's philosophy?
The woman who committed adultery; married to Chillingworth; mother to Pearl.
Describe Hester Prynne.
Arthur Miller.
Who wrote The Crucible?
The expert on witch craft called to Salem; intelligent
Describe Reverend John Hale.
Presiding judge over the witch trials; seeks convictions
Describe Judge Danforth.
Man is born good; one soul; can find God through nature; oversoul pool
Define transcendentalism.
Hester's daughter; "evil"
Describe Pearl.
When Senator McCarthy accused many people of being communists.
What is McCarthyism?
Had an affair with John Proctor; ring-leader of the girls involved in witch craft; main accuser.
Describe Abigail Williams.
Never admitted guilt or innocence; pressed to death; Martha's husband; knows the court system
Describe Giles Corey.
His family was involved in the Salem Witch Trials and he was anti-transcendentalist.
Give background information on Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Pearl's father.; the man Hester had the affair with; respected clergy in town
Describe Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale.
Young girls who are caught performing witch craft, end up accusing many town folk of being witches; this leads to the hangings of 19 condemned "witches."
Explain the plot of The Crucible.
Betty Parris' father; Abigail's uncle; concerned with his own reputation; power-hungry; disliked by many
Describe Reverend Parris.
The mother of Ruth Putnam; had seven babies die; convinced of witchcraft in town.
Describe Ann Putnam.
The Scarlet Latter is about a woman in Puritan times who commits adultery that results in pregnancy; she wears a symbol of her sin for all to see.
Explain the plot of The Scarlet Letter.
Hester's husband; acts as doctor; book-smart; obsessed with getting to Dimmesdale
Describe Roger Chillingworth.
He had the affair with Abigail; married to Elizabeth Proctor; accused of being a witch
Describe John Proctor.
Highly regarded towns folk; hanged for being a witch
Describe Rebecca Nurse.
Slavefrom Barbados. Helped Abigail conjure witches.
Describe Tituba.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter is written by who?
The governor of the town; has sister witch
Describe Governor Bellingham.
John Proctor's wife; hated Abigail; pregnant when accused
Describe Elizabeth Proctor.
Rebecca's husband; well-off and influential
Describe Francis Nurse.
Proctor's servant; Tried to tell the truth but was accused by Abigail and then recanted.
Describe Mary Warren.