Name that Error! | Theory | Fill in the _____ | Race and Gender | Zombies! |
What is Run-on Sentence
Jason Haslam swears a lot he says it is because he was raised poorly.
What is Superstructure
In Marx’s base-superstructure model of society, popular culture is part of this
What is "heart"
Tarzan: “Ah, John, I wish that I might be a man with a man’s philosophy, but I am but a woman, seeing with my ____ rather than my head”
What is Patriarchy
The term for a society that privileges males through conscious or unconscious decisions and behaviours.
What is Consumerism
In George Romero’s films, which played an integral role in shaping contemporary ideas about zombies are and what zombies look like, the disease of zombism is linked to this.
What is a Comma Splice
The comet-lander Philae and Kim Kardashian’s ass recently fought an epic battle to break the internet, Philae won.
What is Myth/Mythology
According to Barthes, this is a socially shared connotation, based on cultural codes, that generally reinforces dominant world views.
What is "curse"
The Tempest: “You taught me language, and my profit on ’t / Is I know how to ______.”
What is the 18th century
The notion of “race” developed at the end of this century as part of an Enlightenment attempt to classify and create taxonomies in the natural world.
What is Haiti
The history of zombies is tied to the history of slavery in this Caribbean country.
What is subject-verb agreement
None of us think what she said is correct
Who is Ferdinand de Saussure
This fellow claimed “that the relationship between signifier and signified is completely arbitrary” (Storey 113).
Who is "Madison Washington"
“The Heroic Slave”: “____ was of manly form. Tall, symmetrical, round, and strong. In his movements he seemed to combine, with the strength of the lion, a lion's elasticity. His torn sleeves disclosed arms like polished iron. His face was ‘black, but come
What is Racism
“Race” is a construction of ________.
What is Violence
In “Speech Sounds,” Butler asks her readers to imagine what happens when this becomes our primary means of communication.
What is Sentence Fragment
That awkward moment when you realize your status updates are all grammatically incorrect.
What is Dialogic Heteroglossia
Bakhtin believes that this term describes the actual nature of language and how people communicate.
What is "understanding"
Pontypool: “You have to stop _________! Stop _________ what you are saying! Stop _________ and listen to me!”
What is Strength and Reason
In Burroughs’s novel, Tarzan is a symbol of the ideal white male because he combines these two things.
What is The Uncanny
This is the term Freud used to describe something that looks both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. (The result for someone that experiences this is that the familiar world is defamiliarized, which is what happens in zombie narratives.)
What is Dangling Modifier
After reading Mockingjay, the new movie will be even better.
What is "the best that has been thought and said in the world”
In Matthew Arnold’s view, culture means this.
What is "magic"
Doctor Who: “Oh yeah, but the theatre's _____, isn't it? You should know. Stand on this stage, say the right words with the right emphasis at the right time. Oh, you can make men weep.”
What is deviance or abnormality
Sidonie Smith explains how, from the Renaissance up to the present day, universal human nature has been associated with masculinity, whereas femininity has been associated with this.
What is Trauma
In Pontypool, Roland Barthes is quoted as saying that this is like “a news photo without a caption”; it refers to an event that we cannot understand or that we do not have the language to think or talk about.