Course Terms Literary Devices (Easy) Macbeth Literary Devices (HARD) WILD CARD!
What is the protagonist
The hero or central character of the story who is faced with a conflict or problem is called the ______.
Simile = like or as
Metaphor = does not use like or as
What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?
They give Macbeth the premonitions and set him on his path towards his downfall.
What role to the witches play in Macbeth?
What is Pun?
A joke or play on words exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words that sound alike but have different meanings.
Duncan, 2 servants, Banquo, Lady MacDuff & kids, Siward’s son, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth.
Name all the characters who die in the play Macbeth.
What is Person vs Person, Person vs Self, Person vs Society, Person vs Technology, etc.
Give two examples of different types of conflict.
What is Dramatic Irony
When the audience knows something that certain characters in the story do not.
The hands covered in blood motif represents the guilt of the characters.
When Macbeth feels guilty for killing Duncan he says “Will these hands never be clean?”
Lady Macbeth later imagines seeing blood on her hands before committing suicide. (Out damn s
Explain the importance of the hands / blood motif to the play Macbeth. Give 2 examples of where it occurs in the play.
What is Oxymoron
Bitter sweet, living dead, deafening silence.
Voice is a tool writers employ to bring their writing to life. It is the sense of personality behind the author, character or narrator of a work. It makes the narrator seem more real and more genuine. Voice makes a 6-yr-old female narrator sound different
What is voice in writing? Explain using an example.
The selection of specific words to elicit a very precise reaction from the reader. All words used in a text are choices, and it is important to analyze and understand why certain words are used.
What does the term ‘diction’ refer to?
What is Personification
Giving non-human objects human characteristics.
E.g.: The trees danced in the wind
It’s a trick question! Macbeth kills Duncan, Murderers kill Banquo, Lady Macbeth kills herself!
Who kills the following characters: Duncan, Banquo, Lady Macbeth.
What is Motif
A subject, symbol, or element that appears several times in a text that adds significance to the story.
What is Karma, Little Brother X, Ender’s Game, Fault in our Stars, Book Thief
Name all 5 book club choices from this semester.
A theme topic is a short one or two word phrase that narrows down the topic the theme focuses on, such as jealousy, love, forgiveness.
A theme statement is a sentence about a unifying or dominant idea in a text. It states the position the text takes on
Explain the difference between a theme statement and a theme topic.
What is Hyperbole
My backpack weighs a ton! OR This day feels like it will go on forever!
It’s a paradox that, translated, means good is bad and bad is good. It means that sometimes in life things that appear to be good are actually bad, and things that you think are bad can sometimes be good. It’s about how difficult it can be to tell right f
Why is the phrase “Fair is foul, foul is fair” important to Macbeth? AND what literary device is it?
What is Allusion
When an author makes a reference to a place, event, person, or literary work. (E.g.: Sarah is the Mother Teresa of the group)
Macbeth will be Thane of Cawdor
Macbeth will be King
Banquo’s heirs will be king.
Beware MacDuff
No man of woman born shall harm Macbeth
No harm shall come to Macbeth until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane (his castle).
What are the 6 premonitions in the play Macbeth?
The way that the writer arranges the plot of a story. It can include all caps, short sentences, the use of images or drawings, or jumping forward or backwards in the plot.
What does the “structure” of a text refer to?
What is Pathetic Fallacy
A girl cries as it begins to rain outside.
She is asking Macbeth to act really kind and welcoming but to actually be a sneaky snake plotting evil against Duncan. This is important because it relates to the theme “Things are not always what they seem.” It also shows the dominant side of Lady Macbet
When Lady Macbeth says “Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under't.” What does she mean AND why is it important?
What is Deus Ex Machina
When an implausible concept is brought into the story to resolve a conflict.
(E.g. you wake up at the end to discover it’s all been a dream)
King James I (England)
What King was supposedly the great descendant of Banquo?

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