Vocabulary | Part 1: Genre | Part 2: SciFi | Part 3 | Stories We Read |
What is "wince."
A verb meaning, "to shrink or flinch involuntarily, especially in pain."
What is "genre."
A word meaning "a category of artistic composition characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter."
What is a space opera.
A kind of SciFi which involves spaceships and a long journey.
What is "posthumous."
A word which means, "awarded or published after death."
What is "Harrison Bergeron."
The name of the story written by Kurt Vonnegut.
What is "succor."
A noun meaning, "help in a difficult situation."
What is literary fiction
A genre of fiction marked by the slippery characteristic "literary merit." Often offer deliberate social commentary, political criticism, or focus on the individual.
What is alternative history.
A kind of SF that uses political science and history to answer the question, "What if.... had happened differently?"
What is theme.
The central idea of a story.
What is "Cranes."
The story with an animal as its main symbol.
What is "wont."
An adjective meaning "in the habit of doing something; accustomed."
What is science fiction
A genre of fiction dealing with futuristic settings, technology, and science.
What is hard SciFi.
A kind of SF marked by strict adherence to the laws of chemistry, physics, and biology.
What is a symbol.
A person, place, or event that represents an idea in fiction.
What is "By the Waters of Babylon."
The story set in a post-apocalyptic future.
What is "acquiesced."
A verb meaning "to agree or give in to."
What is crime fiction.
A genre of fiction that focuses on spies, detectives, and criminals. Comes in varieties such as "detective," the whodunit, legal thrillers, etc.
What is soft SciFi.
A kind of SF marked by its use of psychology, social science, political science, anthropology. Authors like Octavia Butler and Ursula K. Le Guin.
Who is Tokchae.
The character who is, presumably, set free at the end of "Cranes."
What is "--And The Moon Be Still as Bright."
A story which made comparisons with the treatment of Native Americans in Oklahoma and the indigenous peoples of Mexico. Pointed to a theme of colonization.
What is "pinioned."
A adjective meaning, "restrained or immobilized."
What is 20,000-30,000
The number of words in a typical novella.
What is speculative fiction.
Another name for sf besides Science Fiction.
What is......
The final line of the story "The Interlopers."
What is "The Interlopers."
A story which took place in Eastern Europe.