Forms of Energy | Circuits | Energy Conservation | Electrical Energy |
What is hydroelectricity
Energy that is produced from flowing water
What is electrons
An electric current is a flow of which element (protons, neutrons, electrons)
What is energy
The capacity for doing work. It can exist in kinetic, thermal, electric, nuclear, chemical, etc.
What is a generator
A device that produces electric energy. Individuals may have these devices in their homes for when the power goes out.
What is wind energy
One of the cleanest and cost effective forms of energy. However, it can be dangerous to some wildlife and expensive upfront cost
What is a circuit
A closed-loop or pathway in which an electric current flows through
What is renewable
A resource that can be used repeatedly and does not run out because it is naturally replaced (i.e. solar, wind, hydro)
What is an electric current
The movement of electrons through a wire
What is coal
Heat is produced by the combustion of this fossil fuel
What is a closed circuit
This type of circuit provides a continuous path through which a current can flow
What is a fossil fuel
Fuels that come from old life forms that decomposed over a long period of time
What is conductor
Materials that permit electrons to flow freely from particle to particle
What is natural gas
This energy source is naturally formed beneath the earth's surface. It contains many different compounds how is mostly made up of methane.
What is battery
A device that is required to power a circuit
What is efficiency
The goal to reduce the amount of energy used to get the same job done
What is insulator
Materials that impede the free flow of electrons
What is nuclear energy
The energy that is trapped inside an atom. The energy is produced by combining atoms (fusion) or splitting atoms (fission).
What is switch
An electrical component that can disconnect or connect the conducting path in an electrical circuit
What is insulation
A layer of material that traps air to help block the transfer of heat between the inside and outside a building
What is watts
The basic unit of electric, mechanical, or thermal power