Major Organ Functions | Major Organ Location | Endocrine Diseases |
The reproductive glands are used for sexual function.
What are the functions of the reproductive glands?
The Reproductive glands are located in the groin.
Where are the Reproductive glands located?
Posterior pituitary
Diabetes insipidus Anterior pituitary Hypopituitarism (or Panhypopituitarism) Pituitary tumors Pituitary adenomas Prolactinoma (or Hyperprolactinemia) Acromegaly, gigantism Cushing's disease
Name one of the diseases effecting the pituitary gland.
The adrenals function is to release adrenaline.
What is the function of the adrenals?
The adrenals are located in the waist.
Where are the adrenals located?
Hyperthyroidism Graves-Basedow disease Toxic multinodular goitre Hypothyroidism Thyroiditis Hashimoto's thyroiditis Thyroid cancer Thyroid hormone resistance
Name one of the diseases effecting the thyroid gland.
The function of the pituitary gland is to control growth and development.
What is the function of the Pituitary?
The pancreas gland is located in the waist.
Where is the pancreas gland located?
Pancreatic cancer Cystic fibrosis
Name one of the diseases effecting the pancreas gland.
The pancreas releases enzymes to break down the proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids in food.
What is the function of the pancreas?
The pituitary gland is located in the brain.
Where is the pituitary gland located?
Adrenal insufficiency
Addison's disease Mineralocorticoid deficiency Diabetes Adrenal hormone excess Conn's syndrome Cushing's syndrome Glucocorticoid remediable aldosteronism (GRA) Pheochromocytoma Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (adrenogenital syndrome)
Name one of the diseases effecting the adrenals.
The thyroid gland controls metabolism.
What is the function of the thyroid gland?
The thyroid gland is located in the neck.
Where is the thyroid gland located?
Hermaphroditism Gonadal dysgenesis Hypogonadism (Gonadotropin deficiency) Kallmann syndrome Klinefelter syndrome Turner syndrome Ovarian failure (also known as Premature Menopause) Testicular failure Delayed puberty Precocious puberty Amenorrhea Polycyst
Name one of the diseases effecting the reproductive glands.