Adrenal Adventures! | Endocrine? It's the PITS! | Thoroughly Thyroid | PBL PARTY!!! |
Primary Adrenocortical Insufficiency
Another term for Addison's Disease?
If Primary, XSH = high
If secondary, XSH = low or inappropriately normal
Jooni goes to the doctor for a check-up and blood tests show her Hormone X is low. If this is caused by PRIMARY hypoXism, What will XSH be? What if it's caused by SECONDARY hypoXism?
Hypothyroidism in utero will give the infant what condition?
Impaired brain development, short stature, deaf mutism, spasticity, thyroid gland structural abnormalities (goiter) |
What is the goal of treatment of hypothyroidism? How long should you wait after giving levothyroxine to check new TSH levels?
Goal is to get as close to Euthyroid state as possible.
Wait 2-3 months after starting levothyroxine. |
what is hypoaldosteronism?
Hyperkalemia is a sign of this hormonal imbalance
Decrease of LH/FSH via inhibition of GnRH
Women: Galactorrhea, Infertility Amenorrhea/oligomenorrhea Men: Decreased libido, Impotence
What causes hypogonadotropic hypogonadism? (hormonally)
Tyrosine is the amino acid precursor to what two classes of hormones?
what are thyroid hormone and catecholamines!
Thionamides are the primary treatment of hyperthyroidism in what types of patients?
who are pregnant women?
What is pseudohyperaldosteronism?
Excessive licorice ingestion (inhibits 11 beta-HSD 2)
Deoxycorticosterone (DOC) secreting tumors 11 beta-HSD 2 mutations Liddle syndrome: all cause what disease? |
What is the role of CYP450?
converts cholesterol --> pregnenolone
A teratoma containing thyroid tissue describes what condition?
Struma Ovarii (Ovarian Teratoma)
What are
1) Test for AM Cortisol 2) Dynamic Tests of HPA Axis insulin-induced hypoglycemia ACTH (cosyntropin) test
Diagnostic tests you can use to establish adrenal insufficiency
What is Lowers GH and IGF-1, shrinks the tumor!
The mechanism of action of somatostatin to treat acromegaly.
What does the time course of thyroiditis look like (no need to be specific, but ball park weeks, months)
Quickly hyperthyroid, dips and can even become hyPOthyroid, and the whole cycle should last less than 6 months!
What is the clinical presentation of myxedema coma?
It is decompensated hypothyroidism
Hypoglycemia, hypotension, hyponatremia, hypercapnia, hypoxia, bradycardia, and hypoventilation |
XX with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to 21 Hydroxylase deficiency
An infant is born with ambiguous genitalia. 2 weeks after delivery the infant has severe episodes of vomiting. Aldosterone and cortisol are both low. What is the diagnosis and the sex of the baby?
What is oral ectoderm (rathke's pouch)
All anterior pituitary hormones are derived from what embryologic origin?
What kind of receptor binds insulin? EXTRA how is the GH receptor different
tyrosine kinase receptor!
For insulin, the kinase activity is intrinsic, for GH it is recruited |
Thyroid storm puts pregnant women
at risk of preeclampsia