Bewildered Brains Thickheaded Theories Model Minutiae The Rest Underlying Evidence
What is the amygdala?
This brain structure is crucial to the processing of emotion.
What is the Standard Appraisal Theory?
This theory of emotional processing supposes that stimuli are consciously appraised, and these appraisals are then relayed to an emotion effector system.
What is the Appraisal Program?
This program evaluates stimuli with respect to your goals and values.
What is universal?
A researcher traveled across the world and found that individuals could correctly identify the emotions of people from across the world, which suggests that emotions may be this.
What is the Schachter-Singer Theory?
Men who crossed a scary bridge were significantly more likely to call a woman whose number they received at the end of bridge than men who crossed a safe bridge. That finding is consistent with this theory.
What is the thalamus?
This brain structure relays sensory information to the other parts of the brain.
What is the Schachter-Singer Theory?
This theory of emotional processing supposes that stimuli evoke a bodily response pattern, which is then consciously interpreted by the individual as a feeling.
What is a stimulus?
In all models we've discussed so far, this initiates an emotional response.
What is disgust?
According to the Core Theme Relational Approach, the core theme of this feeling is that a situation involves 'taking in' an indigestible thought or idea.
What is the Standard Appraisal Theory?
People who were subliminally presented a Chinese character were likely to prefer that character over others even if they were unable to correctly identify why. That finding contradicts this theory.
What is the 'low road?
Stimulus appraisal along this 'pathway' is said to be unconscious and fast.
What is the James-Lange Theory?
This theory of emotional processing supposes that feelings are uniquely evoked by specific bodily states.
What is the Happiness Effector Program?
Activation of this effector program is associated with lateral contraction of the eye muscles.
What is high?
In the Dimensional Approach, happiness is associated with this degree of pleasantness.
What is Standard Appraisal Theory?
Individuals shown videos of gruesome accidents only show emotion when not told that the people in the video are actors. That finding is consistent with this theory.
What is the frontal cortex?
This part of the brain is responsible in part for reasoned responses to stimuli.
What is the Core Relational Theme Approach?
This approach to Standard Appraisal Theory assumes that there is a set of fundamental themes associated with an emotion.
What is the Effector Program?
This program activates the set of unconscious and conscious systems associated with a particular emotion.
What are algorithms?
Consistent with the focus of the course, emotions can be thought of a special kind of these.
What is Le Doux's High Road/Low Road Model?
Individuals (and animals) with lesions to the amygdala tend to show a lack of fear response. Those results are consistent with this theory.
Who is S.M.?
This individual suffered bilateral damage their amygdala and was unable to experience fear.
What is the High Road/Low Road Model?
This model of cognitive processing supposes that stimuli can be processed in a slow conscious fashion as well as a fast unconscious fashion.
What is the Fear Effector Program?
When this effector program is active, your attention will be narrowed.
What is experiential character?
This term describes the conscious feeling of an emotion, which can be as hard to explain as what it's like to see the color red.
What is Standard Appraisal Theory?
Individuals can be deathly afraid of flying even though they understand the relative safety of flying in some sense. This state of affairs contradicts which theory?

Emotions in Jeopardy

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