Que the Qualitative Qualities | Design, you say? | To Be or Not To Be, That's the Question! | Lit, Theorizing, and All That Jazz. | My Professors Be Professing! |
What is pragmatic, (post)positivist, transformative, constructivism,
The four worldviews of qualitative research
What is Phenomenological research
This describes the common meaning for several individuals of their lived experiences of a concept. In this approach the researcher is "grasping the very nature of the thing."
What is HOW or WHAT
In our construction of research questions, these two words helps us to communicate an open or emerging design.
What is a literature review
This connects with a larger body of scholarship and fills gaps and extends prior studies
Who is Dr. Sandra Stauffer
This ASU professor, graduate of the University of Michigan and a native of Pennsylvania, is one of the leading scholars in narrative research.
What is worldview
This is a basic set of beliefs that guide action
What is narrative research
This is understood as a spoken or written text giving an account of an event/action or series of events/actions, chronologically connected. In this approach, the researcher studies one or two individuals by gathering data through the collection of stories, reporting individual experiences, and ordering meaning in those experiences chronologically.
What are research questions
From broad to specific to nondirectional, these points of inquiry assists the researcher in communicating the purpose and goal of their study.
What is the literature review
This is placed at the end as a recap, the beginning, and/or in its own section.
Who is Dr. Josh Palkki
A graduate of Michigan State University, this ASU professor examines equity and justice issues in (choral) music education, particularly those centering on inclusive practices for LGBTQA students and teachers.
What is qualitative inquiry/research
This seeks to explore and understand the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to within a social or human problem
What is ase study research
In this in-depth exploration of an issue or problem, the researcher explores within a real-life setting within a bounded system (e.g., time and place).
What are subquestions
These points of inquiry follow this important point of inquiry.
What is a theoretical framework
In qualitative research approaches, this is used as a deductive approach to explaining behaviors and attitudes, as a way to bridge of understanding or "an overall lens" for a study
Who is Dr. Evan Tobias
This NYC native and food lover, specializes in scholarship that examines participatory cultures, digital media and technology, and integrating popular music into music classrooms
What is the researcher as instrument
Information, data is passed through this and is interpreted by this. However, this must be careful to confront its biases and dispositions.
What is biography, auto-ethnography, life history, and oral history
These are types of narrative research.
What are exploratory verbs
These verbs help to convey language of emerging design (i.e., report, discover, generate, seek to understand)
What is critical race theory
In recent news, this particular social theory has come under fire regarding education in the United States and has been perceived as a sort of boogeyman
Who Dr. Jace Saplan
This ASU professor in choral music learning and teaching, is an expert on music from the time of Queen Lili'uokalani, who was also a composer.
What are the five qualitative designs of qualitative research
Narrative, Phenomenology, Ethnography, Case Study, and Grounded Theory are these
What is grounded theory.
Creswell suggests that researchers should have 20-60 participants for this qualitative design.
What is qualitative research/inquiry
Research questions in this type of inquiry are not fixed or definitive.
What is queer theory
This particular social theory examines and challenges the perspectives of cisgender and heterosexual identities and how both are positioned as the standard.
Who is Dr. Jill Sullivan
A graduate of the University of Iowa and historical researcher, this ASU professor published scholarship on women's military bands and normal schools.