Ready? | Set? | Preparation | Shelter in Place | Go! |
---|---|---|---|---| - you must register on the website to receive LOCAL "reverse 911" notifications. (This system is not the same as statewide AMBER alerts)
The way you receive LOCAL emergency alerts about natural and human-made disasters in specific geographic areas.
a neighborhood map showing names of neighbors friendly to client, and their phone numbers
a resource to put on client's refrigerator showing names of close-by helpers you could call on to help in an emergency ... especially if 9-1-1 can't get there
ONLY First Responders can do CPR on client. (Or you can do it ONLY if 911 operator talks you through it.)
Persons allowed to perform CPR on a client, when you work for a non-medical business like SHS
What is HAZMAT (hazardous material) spill, local crime alert, blizzard blocking roads, tornado coming,
List of reasons emergency officials might notify you and client to shelter at home (possibly needing to seal windows and doors)
immediately get yourself and client out of the house, do NOT generate any sparks by turning off light switches. When outside at neighbor's, call 911.
What you should do if you smell rotten eggs/sulfur/ natural gas smell in the home
5 addresses and 8 points of contact. They will notify you even if you're somewhere else when disaster hits that address. Also , you could register on the companion Everbridge app (similar to Code Red in other counties).
The number of addresses and local points of contact you (and client) can register for on
TWO, one for themselves (and caregivers) and one for family/friends in local area - listing emergency family meetup location if neighborhood is closed off due to wildfire etc.
The number of emergency evacuation plans a client should have
dryer lint, damaged/overheated electrical cords, items stored on top of the stove (this is a dangerous habit! don't put groceries or coat on the stove when you get home, even for a minute)
List of easy-to-prevent causes of home fires
non-perishable food such as canned food, dehydrated food, and food that does not require cooking.
(Or in case of a virulent pandemic, you might have electricity and then more choices!)
List of food items client should have stored that you both could eat in case trapped in home for up to two weeks....
use your voice, walker, wheelchair, drag them on a sheet along the floor, call next-door neighbor using list on the refrigerator, call 911
LIst of ways to get client out of house in a BIG hurry if there is a fire, gas leak, etc.
File of Life (red refrigerator magnet) - similar idea is Vial of Life (stored inside plastic jar in refrigerator)
Get these from Office of Emergency Management
the document a client should post on refrigerator that includes MEDICAL information for first responders to know
at least TWO - the regular way and the "back way." In an emergency, it will be harder to think and access alternate routes if main way is blocked. Could include driving through backyard to street behind them.
The number of ways out of the client's neighborhood and out to the highway you need to be familiar with before an emergency evacuation is needed.
5 seconds. Any longer than that, it's too late. Grab client and get out of house. See video online showing speed of fire taking over a room - eek!
The amount of time you have to put out a small fire with a fire extinguisher, after you have called 911
need one gallon per person (and pet) per day. (water may be contaminated.) Can you collect water from roof into downspout? If so, add drop of chlorine. Take water from water heater. Melt snow.
The amount of drinking water needed to be stored in house for emergencies. (How many gallons per person per day?)
all ADA (American Disability Act) modifications, electricity for oxygen, beds for heavier people, allow service animals (but not pets - they go to separate shelter), a way to register you're safe so family can find you.
List of functionalities all Red Cross shelters are required to provide, besides food
Do Not Resuscitate order (DNR). Note: First responders will always try to resuscitate unless they have physical copy of DNR.
name of document that specifies a person's wish to NOT have medical treatment IF they are not breathing and do not have a pulse
wildfire, house fire, flood warning, power outage, tornado damage, earthquake
Three reasons you would need to evacuate with a client to a shelter or other alternate location
READY: The time to get ready is today, while it's calm. Prepare now to avoid future issues. Notify Suzanne today if changes or info/plans needed. SET: situational awareness says evacuate early if you are worried. Don't wait for 911 call. GO: just go!
the meaning of "Ready, Set, Go" and how Suzanne can help as you notice issues with client
If power is off, water well pumps might not operate, A/C off, heat off, stove/oven off, microwave off, refrig & freezer off, oxygen generator off, CPAP machine off. (Could you evacuate with them to a shelter?)
The effect of a power outage on a client's home. What would stop working?
the client, yourself, pet, and go-bag. No other "stuff" -- that is not your responsibility.
What to take if you need to evacuate RIGHT NOW with client
a ramp to replace steps, railings along steps, grab bars in shower, lighting in dark places, smoke alarms (tape a note on it when you change the battery)
list three or more safety aids that can be installed prevent easy-to-solve causes of client home injury
a container for every animal, vaccination records, a small amount of food.
Three things your client needs to prepare ahead of time if evacuation would also include pets.
What is cell towers will be overloaded then as everyone who has not made a family-meetup plan will be trying to call. Texts might work better since 800 texts take same bandwidth as one phone call.
The reason you can not count on using a cell phone in middle of widespread crisis to reach family/Suzanne/first responders.
your own children, family, and pets would be on their own without you. You need a plan for them they can do when you're NOT home with them. Do you have your own neighbors' phone numbers? What if pet is home alone without you? Do you have your own Rx medicine?
The way it would affect you the caregiver PERSONALLY if you're sheltering in place with client for an extended period of time.
What is prescription information for refilling ASAP, drivers license or ID, File of Life extra copy, spare/old glasses, list of phone numbers, list of business contacts for insurance, doctors, bank scanned copies of legal documents on a flash drive, (Sensitive information but... or store it at daughter's house?)
List of possible items client should include in go-bag and store in an easily-accessible spot in house