Water Storage | Earthquakes | Survival Supplies |
In an emergency, water sources may be polluted or corrupted.
Why do we store drinking water?
I approximately 800 miles long from the Sultan Sea to Mendocino City.
What is the San Andreas Fault?
1 gallon of potable water per day per person.
What is the recommended water storage for 3 day (72 hour) sustainability period.
Run alongside the North American Plate on the San Andreas Fault.
What is the Pacific Plate?
30 years or longer.
How many years can longer-term storage items last?
Is the first to strike and energy traveling at a speed of 5000 miles per second during an eruption.
What is a primary seismic wave?
False. It is not prudent to go to extremes or go into debt to establish your home storage all at once. Gradually build reserves over time as financial resources and space permit.
True or False: We need to establish our food storage immediately, and it is okay to go into debt to do so.
The San Andreas Fault's border is formed by the North American and Pacific Plate
What is a strikeslip fault?
What is liquefaction?